16-07-2007 | EXPIRA LA 15-08-2007

Job expirat


Persoana angajata ca ASISTENT MEDICAL RECOLTARE in cadrul laboratorului Synevo va gestiona activitatea de RECOLTARE a probelor biologice, va informa pacientii nostri cu privire la investigatiile oferite, la protocolul de recoltare a probelor biologice, la programul de lucru si la termenele de eliberare a rezultatelor.


Candidatul /a la postul de ASISTENT MEDICAL RECOLTARE in cadrul laboratorului Synevo va fi o persoana entuziasta, motivata, cu abilitatea de a utiliza sistemele moderne de recoltare, cu experienta in abordarea copiilor si a clientilor dificili. Personalitate pozitiva, calda, orientata catre pacient si nevoile acestuia, va putea sa ofere informatii cu privire la manevrele si procedurile de recoltare pe cei direct interesati.

Va fi absolvent/a a Scolii Postliceale Sanitare si va avea Autorizatie de libera practica valabila..
Va respecta codul de deontologie profesionala si normele care reglementeza profesia de asistent medical in Romania;

Va fi bun utilizator al computerului.


O cultura organizationala bazata pe tranparenta, deschidere, incredere reciproca si un loc de munca la care sa vii cu placere.


Today Synevo is the product of 10 year-evolution during which a lot of things have changed, but the essential stays the same, to offer in Romania laboratory services at international quality standards.

SYNEVO is the market leader having:

- A national coverage

- 10 laboratories (6 operating in hospitals and 4 independent) and 12 blood collection centers

- Direct presence in 5 counties

In addition:
- More than 20 contracts for clinical trials.

- 100 private medical centers and laboratories that collaborate with SYNEVO

- The largest number of laboratory tests performed in its laboratories- over 250 different laboratory investigations starting with hematology, chemistry, microbiology, immunology and continuing with allergology and molecular biology.

Daily, over 2000 patients contact SYNEVO laboratories, and an average of 13.200 tests is performed.

In Romania SYNEVO is the only company offering laboratory medical services that participates in 3 international programs of external quality control: RIQAS- Great Britain, LABQUALITY- Finland and INSTAND- Germany.

2. Mission and vision


Through its work and accomplishments, Synevo wishes to contribute to the evolution of laboratory medical services, adding value to the medical act.


- Synevo set as a goal to be the market leaders in the laboratory medical services market in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

- The medical staff is considered to be our most important partners. Working close together we will be able to improve the quality of the medical act and help preserve the well being of our clients.

- We get involved and wish to be close to the community in the area of our activity