Auditor Intern


23-10-2012 | EXPIRA LA 22-11-2012

Job expirat



MRINetwork Romania is a human resources consultancy company. We are providing recruitment services and services related to human resources. To our clients we are offering a tailor-made solution capable to meet their present and future business needs. Our consultants way of approach is focused on consultative sales. In general, we are looking to identify each of our client specific need and to develope for them a particular solution to their problems.


Auditorul intern este vizat de toate fazele activitatii societatii care intereseaza conducerea.
• verifica daca activitatea organizatiei se desfasoara in conformitate cu politicile, planurile si managementul acesteia;
• evalueaza controalele financiare si nefinanciare dispuse de conducerea societatii, daca acestea sunt aplicate corect si in ce masura, in scopul cresterii eficientei activitatii;
• evalueaza informatiile financiare si nefinanciare furnizate conducerii societatii, pentru cunoasterea realitatilor din organizatia respectiva;
• protejeaza elementele patrimoniale bilantiere si extrabilantiere ale societatii;
• identifica metodele de prevenire a fraudelor si a pierderilor de orice fel.



- absolvent studii superioare, facultate cu profil economic;
- minim 4 ani vechime in activitate financiar-contabila/ audit, consultanta;
- minim 3 ani experienta anterioara ca auditor intern;
- capacitate de analiza si sinteza, bine organizat;
- capacitate de a respecta principiile deontologice ale societatii.


MRINetwork KPS GROUP is a human resources consultancy company. We are providing recruitment services and services related to human resources. To our clients we are offering a tailor-made solution capable to meet their present and future business needs. Our consultants way of approach is focused on consultative sales. In general, we are looking to identify each of our client specific need and to develope for them a particular solution to their problems.