Server Administrator


31-03-2011 | EXPIRA LA 30-04-2011

Job expirat


As a server administrator, you implement and manage one of the most important technologies in your organization—the servers. Your role demands expertise in server operating systems and Active Directory. You have mastered an array of monitoring and profiling tools that help you manage the server environment and tune systems to perform optimally.


- Good network knowledge, VLAN, RSTP, switch configuration etc.
- Network on Linux and freeBSD
- BGP(openBGP)
- Firewalls: iptables, PF
- Virtualization: XenServer, VMware
- Level 2/3 network troubleshooting(tcpdump etc.)
- VPN (openVPN, L2TP, IPsec)
- OS: Ubuntu(Linux in general) and freeBSD
- Dell server, SAN, switch hardware knowledge
- Shell scripting(bash, perl)


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Crezul Complete Training: lucrãm cu pasiune şi entuziasm, punând de fiecare datã interesele clienţilor noştrii pe primul plan. Suntem consecvenţi, loiali şi ne place sã energizam persoanele cu care lucrãm pentru a da valoare fiecãrui proiect şi a îndeplini cu succes fiecare misiune.