10-07-2009 | EXPIRA LA 16-07-2009

Job expirat


·Install SQL Server – Usually, a production DBA will use the corporate standard to install SQL Server. He may also develop an unattended method of installing SQL Server. This also includes service pack deployments
·Install and deploy databases –use pre-made scripts to upgrade and install databases.
·Create backup plans – Based on the business needs of the company (how valuable is your data), find the best solution for the budget and create a backup schedule around the plan.
·Test disaster recovery scenarios – Performs regular random drills to test the backup plan and to test the integrity of the company’s backups.
·Manage security – Work with the security department, the development DBA and the product planners to determine how much access the application will need to the database.
·Sizes out machines – will take in the benchmarking evidence and find out what type of machine will be needed for deployment.
·Receives projects from development DBAs - Works with the development DBA for a clean handover of a product.
·Performance tuning – This type of DBA tunes the physical layer of the database. He may choose to do this by tuning the file structure and organization, scheduling index rebuilds, and any hardware-type decisions.
·Loading test data
·Learn CLR for stored procedures


Required background:
·Graduate of Computer Science, Electronics, Cybernetics, Mathematics or Informatics
·4+ years Experience

Required competences:
·MICROSOFT SQL Server 2000 - 2005 - DBA level
·DB2, Oracle is a plus
·Very good English knowledge - both written and spoken
·Good communication and organizing skills
·Team spirit and dynamic approach


Volksbank Romania, detinuta de Volksbank International (subsidiara a Osterreichische Volksbanken – Aktiengessellschaft -OVAG)), a devenit operationala pe data de 8 mai 2000. In buna traditie a bancii austriece pe care o reprezinta, Volksbank Romania si-a indreptat inca de la inceput atentia spre nevoile si interesele persoanelor fizice si intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii oferind produse si servicii de calitate.

“Increderea ne uneste” – sloganul grupului – reflecta parteneriatul pe care se bazeaza banca noastra in relatia cu clientii