SAP Basis Administrator

Adept Human Resources

08-07-2014 | EXPIRA LA 07-08-2014

Job expirat


For our client, a global provider of technology-based business solutions, we are looking for a SAP Basis Administrator. His/Her mission is to design, build and manage the SAP technical environment to provide the optimal level of service to the business, the business representative teams and technical teams.

 Design and maintain the technical system land scape of the SAP servers.
 Install and configure all required SAP database servers and application servers.
 SAP MC Service guard cluster configuration/management.
 Complex tuning issues regarding interdependencies SAP,DB and OS.
 Monitor all SAP systems (work processes, users, system logs, short dumps, locks, developer traces, system traces, disk space, etc.)
 Monitor DB load, follow-up EarlyWatch reports and provide recommendations, BWA support and monitoring
 Administer the SAP database as database administrator (plan and perform database upgrades, apply database maintenance, design and maintain physical database layout, perform database reorganizations, design and implement backup and restore strategy, maintain database security, administer database performance, manage database storage, database problem determination and resolution, etc.).
 Liaise with SAP support for technical issues.
 SAP Frontend(SAPGUI) and SAPClient tools installation and configuration.


 Over 5 years working experience on SAP Basis administration in large scale organization.
 SAP Basis Certification mandatory (C_TADM51_70 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (ORACLE DB).
 SAP PI 7.3 technology a plus (C_TBIT51_73 SAP NetWeaver SAP Certified Technology. Associate-Process Integration with SAPNetWeaver).
 Proven experience in managing global SAP projects.


Adept Human Resources ofera o gama flexibila de servicii de recrutare. Echipa noastra de consultanti este specializata in identificarea si atragerea talentelor pentru diverse roluri intr-un numar mare de industrii. Ne mandrim cu experienta si cunostintele acumulate atat in ceea ce priveste candidatii, cat si clientii, in industriile in care ne focusam. Avand in vedere know-how-ul acumulat de Consultantii nostri de-a lungul timpului, putem oferi o solutie in orice situatie.

Scopul nostru este sa construim parteneriate cu clientii nostri, nu sa actionam ca un simplu furnizor. Reusim sa facem acest lucru plecand de la o intelegere in profunzime a afacerii dezvoltate de catre acestia, a mediului in care activeaza si a cerintelor lor specifice. Ca rezultat, oferim un serviciu profesionist, personalizat si eficient din punct de vedere al costurilor.