Advice Resurse Umane SRL

17-03-2006 | EXPIRA LA 07-04-2006

Job expirat


Clientul nostru este o cunoscuta companie de import si distributie organe de asamblare in constructii.


Coordonarea echipei de vanzari la nivel national ;
Va participa la dezvoltarea strategiilor si planului de marketing si vanzari, planului de afaceri si bugetelor, la analize de marketing si vanzari;
Va asigura promovarea produselor companiei catre clienti si consultanta in relatiile comerciale ale acestora;


Experienta relevanta intr-o pozitie similara, in domeniu similar. Experienta in vanzari este esentiala.
Cunoasterea pietei si a concurentei;
Bune abilitati de comunicare, organizare, negociere;
Disponibilitate pentru deplasari in tara;
Studii superioare;
Permis conducere categoria B;


Advice Human Resources is about making you stand out from those around you. We see our mission as a continuous challenge to find things as passion, talent, strength, and success.

We separate diamond from dust. We build bridges.

Retained Executive Search & Selection whenever high-level professional, technical and managerial talents are needed; Recruitment Advertising by combining professional tools, assets and expertise in both recruitment and advertising; Assessment since selecting and developing the best employees takes both, experience and intuition; We help you to develop careers and skills: for you and for your team ready-to-use or customized training programs.
And if you think that\'s not enough we are ready to add a list of HR-related services that makes your Human Capital be your best asset.