29-02-2008 | EXPIRA LA 30-03-2008

Job expirat


1) Efficiently manage and maintain, the LG official site web content on a day-to-day basis:

- determines official website’s needs based on request;
- updates and maintains the company’s official website;
- notifies the EHQ regarding the company’s official website’s modifications needed and follows-up on the way these are being done;
- maintains permanent contact with the EHQ person in charge with the website support;
- manages and coordinates the implementation of different website tools and applications (such as micro sites);
- provides reports regarding the website traffic evolution;
- makes proposals for the continuous optimization of the website’s functionality;
- manages graphic design, DTP, text editing aspects related to LG products;
- administrates the LG products images & specifications database;
- is in charge with the translation of various documents;
- monitors the company’s competitors on the Internet and provides periodically reports (weekly newsletters)

2) Is involved with the coordination of marketing projects.

- keeps permanent contact with the Product Manager and the Sales people regarding the development of the projects;
- establishes the main coordinates for the projects, together with his/her supervisor;
- makes proposals for the product promotions;
- monitors each stage of the projects and provides reports and information to the involved parts regarding the project’s status;
- is responsible for reporting to the involved parts any situation that needs decision making or might affect the development of the project.


University graduate (or student in final year).
At least 1 year experience in business environment.
Very good knowledge of website maintenance.
Very good knowledge of English language.
Good knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw
Open to learn, dynamic and proactive.


LG Electronics, Inc.(avand indicativul Korea Stock Exchange: 6657.KS) a fost infiintata in 1959 fiind un pionier al industriei electronice din Coreea. Compania e un jucator major pe piata globala a electronicelor, produselor destinate pietei IT si a comunicatiilor, avand un numar de peste 64 000 de angajati in cele 76 de subsidiare ale sale, in intreaga lume. Cu venituri de peste 16,9 miliarde de dolari (neconsolidat), LG Electronics activeaza pe piata in principal prin cele trei divizii de top ale sale: Digital Display & Media, Digital Appliance, Telecommunication Equipment & Handset.
Telul LG Electronics este realizarea unei retele casnice inteligente de produse digitale care sa faca viata beneficiarului mai buna si usoara ca niciodata.