Linux Network Engineer


18-06-2011 | EXPIRA LA 18-07-2011

Job expirat


The server team is responsible for make sure that the infrastructure is running 24/7, also with the growth we will have in the futur.
This covers server hardware, networking, OS, peering arrangements, failover and load balancing of services and more.

The daily tasks can covers all from troubleshooting, planing of future services, expansion of current services/hardware to talking with third-party providers etc.


- Expert on Linux - Debian/Ubuntu
- Expert on networking on Linux
- Expert on HP/Dell networking- Layer 2/3, 802.2AD, RSTP, VLAN
- Expert on iptables and/or PF
- Knowledge about BGP
- Knowledge about freeBSD
- Knowledge about XenServer
- Knowledge about iSCSI
- A very good sense for troubleshooting problems.
- Documentation


Misiunea Complete Training este de a crea servicii personalizate (resurse umane, training-uri pentru companii, training-uri pentru copii) care să corespundă necesităţilor tuturor partenerilor noştri. De asemenea, construim punţi între oameni şi companii.
Crezul Complete Training: lucrãm cu pasiune şi entuziasm, punând de fiecare datã interesele clienţilor noştrii pe primul plan. Suntem consecvenţi, loiali şi ne place sã energizam persoanele cu care lucrãm pentru a da valoare fiecãrui proiect şi a îndeplini cu succes fiecare misiune.