Java Middleware Developer - Bucuresti


11-06-2014 | EXPIRA LA 11-07-2014

Job expirat


We are looking for a passionate Java Developer to work in a nimble and agile team on the development of middleware applications to sustain the game industry business. You will be working in a

fast paced international environment where we enjoy the chalanges we face and the people we work with.

Mission of the role:

As part of our team, you will be involved in the conception, implementation and configuration of scalable backend and server systems:

 You will analyze and solve complex development issues using Java EE specification.

 You will create technical requirement analysis for our systems

 You will develop middleware that can be used in the game backend

 You will contribute to the knowledge of our team by documenting existing and new developed software structures


 Strong knowledge of technical planning, development and documentation of Java/JEE


 Good experience in understanding, analyzing and enhancing unknown code

 Experience in designing modules and components for complex enterprise scale application

 Strong understanding of design patterns and object oriented design

 Especially good knowledge of technologies like:

 Java EE (EJB 3.x, JPA, JSF)

 Junit

 Jboss Application Server


 Web Services (REST, SOAP/XML)

 Databases like MySQL

We appreciate:

 Previous Linux experience

 Knowledge of Agile Software Development methodologies

 Degree in Computer Science or related


We have salaries to motivate you, bonuses for your performances, medical services to keep you

safe and sound, meal tickets to use them wherever you want and free access to relaxing and fitness

But most of all, we guarantee you’ll enjoy our atmosphere and working environment.


Asociatia Nationala a Recrutorilor (A.N.R.) este o organizatie non-profit, infiintata in anul 2010, pornind de la ideea de a crea un organism functional si reprezentativ pentru specialistii din domeniul resurselor umane.

Am pornit cu pasi marunti, dar cu idei marete, si ne-am propus ca, treptat, pe masura ce ne dezvoltam, sa atingem o serie de obiective precum:

- promovarea imaginii recrutorului ca partener strategic in dezvoltarea afacerilor din Romania;

- reunirea recrutorilor de personal din Romania intr-un cadru dedicat, indiferent de experienta profesionala sau pozitia sociala;

- promovarea serviciilor oferite de firme mici de consultanta in recrutare si selectie de personal;

- facilitarea accesului la informatii de actualitate din domeniul resurselor umane, in general, si recrutarii si selectiei, in special;

- sprijinirea in dezvoltarea profesionala a celor care aleg cariera de recrutor.

Sustinem, in aceeasi masura, recrutorii (consultanti in firme de resurse umane sau angajati in departamente de HR), companiile care investesc in resursa umana de calitate, persoanele aflate in cautarea unui loc de munca, fie ca sunt la inceput de cariera sau nu.

Vrem sa facem diferenta, dorim sa cautam impreuna latura practica, sa obtinem beneficiul concret din schimbul de idei si expertize, din esecuri si succese, din ceea ce inseamna in mod real profesia noastra si, mai ales, sa ne bazam unii pe altii.

In conceptia noastra, o asociatie inseamna deopotriva „to share with others, to support each other and to grow within”.