J2EE Software Developer – Client from Geneva


02-03-2012 | EXPIRA LA 01-04-2012

Job expirat


When it comes to developing great software, we put passion in all our project. If you feel the same when it comes to your work, we invite you to be part of our team, having the role of J2EE Software Developer.

Why join us?

bullet You chose to work in development and you are very interested in Java J2EE programming.
bullet You find it interesting to join a team of specialists. Moreover, you appreciate an environment where you can grow, discuss and implement innovative solutions.
bullet You feel ready to take on a new challenge: to develop an effective and user friendly web application for a transnational corporation with the headquarter placed in Geneva, Switzerland.

Three dedicated teams will ensure the delivery of qualitative IT solutions for this partner. The new ambitious project developed along with Pentalog uses Agile methodology – Scrum. The main goal to facilitate the collection of information in order to drive business analysis and improve decision process for this client.

Our teams are completed and due to the success we had so far, we will add another specialist in order to meet the client’s needs: a J2EE Software Developer – minimum 3 years of experience.

You will enhance and also further develop your knowledge by working in the technical environment and technologies of the project:
- The development language to be used: Java J2EE 5;
- Application servers and frameworks: Websphere Application Server v6.1, Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0, Struts 2 + Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.3;
- DataBase: Oracle 10g;
- OS: AIX 6.1.

As most of the applications this one will have the following main functional modules:
- System administration and security;
- User preferences and notifications;
- Search list and advanced search;
- Brief and tasks management;
- Reports in PDF format.

Overview of your role inside the team:

Our focus together is to ensure performance, quality and security aspects while delivering a product that offers an awesome user experience.

Your added value will be your knowledge in writing robust and reliable systems as well as your curiosity, professionalism and enthusiasm for learning new technologies and discussing innovative ideas with your team.

More concrete details on what you will do:
- Manage research topics, architecture definition, studies, internal code reviews, estimations, and technical audits;
- Drive innovation by coming up with new ideas for our products and processes;
- Develop new features front to back as part of the team;
- Point out issues with the existing architectures and codes on different projects, followed by offering help in order to clean it up.


- Very good understanding of J2EE; at least 3 years of experience in a professional Java development role;
- Deep architectural understanding of Java web applications and application servers;
- Good knowledge in some back end technologies like Spring, Hibernate, SQL or others;
- Good organizational skills in order to succeed in handling priorities, risks, deliverable assurance and quality assurance;
- Experience with agile software development methodologies like XP and Scrum;
- Interest to learn more about new languages and frameworks;
- Fluency in English is mandatory.


- Possibilities of promotion and development of a career plan;
- Integration in a dynamic, multicultural working environment;
- Possibility to work abroad;
- Meal tickets;
- Health insurance.


Cu o prezenta activa pe piata romaneasca din 1999 si 5 agentii (Brasov, Bucuresti, Iasi, Sibiu si Cluj), Grupul Pentalog a inregistrat an dupa an cresteri semnificative.

2011 a insemnat trecerea pragului de 700 de angajati si o cifra de afaceri de 21,5 mil euro.

Oferta Pentalog este organizata in jurul a 2 linii de business: Information Systems (dezvoltarea si organizarea sistemelor informatice) si Embedded Systems (activitati R&D, CAD/CAE). Proiectele realizate imbina de o maniera optima prestatiile locale cu cele nearshore/offshore.

Avand peste 55 de clienti activi, Pentalog se afirma ca o companie internationala, cu clienti in Germania, Romania, Franta, Belgia, Olanda, Elveţia, SUA, Bulgaria, Republica Moldova, Ucraina, Maroc, Vietnam, Israel etc.. In prezent sunt in desfasurare peste 70 de proiecte in arii de activitate diverse. Clienţii Pentalog sunt din domeniul financiar-bancar, editori de software, e-commerce, distributie si logistica, industrie, telecomunicatii, turism, energie, sanatate sau social.

Sustinerea activitatilor de inovare in tehnologii informationale a fost concretizata prin crearea PentaLabbs, primul incubator privat franco-roman, complet operational din 2011. Pentalabbs asociaza excelentei tehnologice excelenta business, in cadrul unui demers pilotat de catre adevarati experti, actionand ca un multiplicator al fortei, vitezei si determinarii cu care ideile inovante pot fi dezvoltate, cu scopul de a concretiza produsele si serviciile IT de maine.

Forta Pentalog vine si din faptul ca 92% din capitalul companiei este detinut de catre angajati. 16 romani, 17 francezi si 3 moldoveni.

In 2011, pentru al 3lea an consecutiv, am fost prezenti in clasamentul Deloitte Technology Fast 500, pentru zona EMEA, cu +371% crestere inregistrata intr-o perioada de 5 ani.

In contextul unui obiectiv de ameliorare continua, Pentalog acorda o atentie deosebita activitatilor de formare interna (atat cu formator interni cat si externi), cat si integrarii de stagiari, in cadrul programelor de parteneriat cu universitatile de prestigiu. Aceste activitati sunt grupate in cadrul departamentului numit Pepiniera Pentalog.

Programul de stagii se adreseaza studentilor in anii terminali care doresc sa acumuleze o prima experienţa tehnica, cat si tinerilor absolventi care incep cariera profesionala si beneficiaza de cursuri de formare profesionala specifice.

In 2011, bugetul alocat pentru activitatile Pepinierei a fost la nivelul de 1 mil euro, numarul de zile de formare efectuate in 2011 inregistrand o crestere importanta de 58% fata de anul anterior.

Pentru mai multe detalii, accesati: www.pentalog.ro si www.pentalog.tv (postul nostru de televiziune intern, care realizeaza productii video corporate si emisiuni pe teme variate si complexe).