Investors Relations Analyst

BRD - Groupe Societe Generale

25-08-2014 | EXPIRA LA 24-09-2014

Job expirat


Communication of BRD’s financial results to the market/Investors relations
• Defines the Financial Communication strategy in the framework of SG group communication strategy
• Preparation of the financial communication documents (Q&A for group Financial communication, Quarterly reports, Press release etc.)
• Coordinate the preparation and the publication of the regulated information (Pillar III, Reg.5/2013 etc)
• Prepares the presentations for the annual meeting with analysts and investors
• Organizes the management meetings with investors/analysts and prepares the supporting materials
• Prepares benchmark analysis, BRD vs Peer Group, vs market, vs main competitors
• Responsible for the relationship with the rating agencies


3-5 years of relevant experience in Financial, communication/Investors relations/Equity research or analysis.
Good understanding of banking business
Good understanding of IFRS and regulatory concepts
MS Office advanced abilities
Excellent communication


oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu profesionist
Contract pe perioada nedeterminata

Doar candidatii eligibili vor fi contactati, celelalte candidaturi ramanand in baza noastra de date pentru viitoare oportunitati.


BRD - Groupe Societe Generale este a doua banca romaneasca, dupa activele bancare.

Cu o capitalizare de 3,5 miliarde euro la sfarsitul lunii aprilie 2006, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale detine prima pozitie, conform acestui indicator, intre societatile din domeniul financiar, listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti si a doua pozitie dupa acelasi nivel al capitalizarii bursiere daca luam in considerare toate companiile listate la BVB, indiferent de domeniu.