Head of Remedial Management Division

Banca Romaneasca

17-01-2013 | EXPIRA LA 16-02-2013

Job expirat


Formulates the strategy for Corporate and Retail exposures that are recording past due amounts/are becoming nonperforming /are declared fully due
- Coordinates the actions related to the recovery of the past due amounts recorded in the bank’s portfolio, as follows:
Collection efforts for retail/workout efforts for Corporate
enforcement actions:
allocation of cases to judicial executors;
monitoring of the enforcement process performed by judicial executors;
doing follow-up on the cases under the insolvency/bankruptcy procedure;
actions related to the enforcement started by other parties against the bank’s collaterals
cooperation with Legal Division as well as Legal Firms/specialized companies on recovery that the bank cooperates with on the files;
promoting assets enforced and finding investors for them;
In this area, the targets are:
maximization of recoveries;
proper allocation of the cases for recovery/enforcement and permanent liaison with the parties involved;
analysis of stages status, evolution and performance of portfolios allocated in order to ensure the performing of enforcement/recovery actions in a timely manner and with accuracy;
preparation of all the info memos / credit presentations related to the cases under management alongside with sustaining the cases in front of any relevant committee;
handling and ensuring the representation of the Bank in the creditors table ( for Corporate insolvency/bankruptcy cases)
drafting the strategy related to assets repossessed by the bank and the various forms of repossession as well as gradual disposal of such assets;
preparation of forecasts regarding the recoveries;
achievement of the budget target for collections/enforcements
enhancing the Monitoring of Enforcement team;
developing the necessary MIS regarding the portfolio of loans declared fully due
elaboration of/amendment to the regulations related to enforcement monitoring area;
identification of the cases to be written off and their submission for approval


relevant experience in the workout and recovery process for cases under enforcement/ cases under insolvency/bankruptcy - focused on corporate side (retail is an advantage)
relevant history in management/coordination position for the area mentioned including management position with top independent consultancy companies (i.e PWC, KPMG etc) or within reputable legal / insolvency firms;
strategic thinking
economic and legal knowledge in the area mentioned;
good command of English language;
familiar with MS Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access);
experience in conducting projects/developing teams;
multitasking ability and ability to work with short deadlines
results oriented


Cu o experienţă de 18 ani de activitate, Banca Românească oferă clienţilor săi o gamă largă de produse şi servicii pentru persoane fizice şi pentru corporaţii.

În octombrie 2003, cel mai mare grup financiar din Europa de Sud-Est, Grupul National Bank of Greece (NBG), a achiziţionat pachetul majoritar la Banca Româneasca S.A., deţinând în prezent 89,070% din capitalul social al acesteia. Banca Europeană pentru Reconstrucţie şi Dezvoltare (BERD) este un alt acţionar important, deţinând 10,209% din capitalul social al băncii.

Prin susţinerea financiară a grupului, capitalul Băncii Româneşti s-a majorat substanţial, ajungând în prezent la aproximativ 200 milioane Eur. Banca Românească dispune de o reţea naţională formată din 134 de sucursale, din care 36 sunt situate în Bucureşti şi 6 centre de afaceri.

Grupul NBG este cel mai mare grup financiar din Republica Elenă fiind fondat în anul 1841 şi listat la Bursa de Valori din Atena încă din anul 1880. Începând cu octombrie 1999 este listat şi la Bursa de Valori din New York. Grupul NBG deţine o poziţie dominantă pe piaţa serviciilor financiare din Grecia, cu peste 1000 unităţi bancare în ţară şi în străinatate şi un portofoliu de 10 milioane de clienţi.

În afara activităţilor bancare specifice, Grupul National Bank of Greece desfaşoară în România o serie de alte operaţiuni în diverse domenii financiare. Dintre companiile mai reprezentative aflate sub controlul National Bank of Greece în România se numără: NBG Securities Romania, Societatea de asigurare - reasigurare GARANTA, NBG Leasing IFN S.A şi NBG Factoring Romania.