Group reporting Executive-Advanced level of italian language

BRD - Groupe Societe Generale

04-02-2014 | EXPIRA LA 06-03-2014

Job expirat


In the context of the creation of a Shared Service Center (SSC or CSP in French) in Romania, this SSC will manage business Group Reporting to be produced on a Magnitude platform for certain entities within Societe Generale Group.
The employee’s main task will the roles and responsibilities listed above (cf part “Main roles and responsibilities”) performed for SSC customers. His/her tasks will be mainly in Italian, French and English languages.
He/she will work within a team of nearly 10 people, depending of the SSC’s growth and of the needs emerging in the others countries. Opportunities for development in the long term may therefore arise.
Collaboration (remote) with the local team is expected. The work schedules are defined in the rules of procedure SG EBS. Wherever possible, they will be on the same schedule as the Italian local team.
Training will be provided with experts in local and in Bucharest on each perimeter


Production of Magnitude standard sets of accounts (IAS: CONSO, TRANSFO, MGT, REC, RISK, ANNEXES, PORTEFEUILLE/ PERLE, LIQUID)
Data load of accounting items and execution of controls and reconciliation
Balance and off-balance sheet items by different analysis criteria (dates / rates / economic activity sectors)
P&L accounting items by BU
Intercompany reporting and reconciliation by entity
Report production of magnitude package FISC based on deferred tax calculation performed in Italy
Data load of shareholders structure concerning shares, ownership, votes and variations
Data load of transaction / contract items
Experience in financial statements production (Balance Sheet & P&L)


BRD - Groupe Societe Generale este a doua banca romaneasca, dupa activele bancare.

Cu o capitalizare de 3,5 miliarde euro la sfarsitul lunii aprilie 2006, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale detine prima pozitie, conform acestui indicator, intre societatile din domeniul financiar, listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti si a doua pozitie dupa acelasi nivel al capitalizarii bursiere daca luam in considerare toate companiile listate la BVB, indiferent de domeniu.