GENERAL MANAGER - sports betting & gaming products

ABC Human Capital

27-02-2013 | EXPIRA LA 29-03-2013

Job expirat


Our client acts in the gaming products & sports betting industry. The company is part of a group of firms with foreign capital.

Purpose of the position:
- Business unit full management, implementing the strategies defined together with the HQ, and ensuring high standards of quality and service, while giving financial results.

Main responsibilities:
- To lead and implement business strategy for the affiliate, ensuring a complete compliance with the internal (group) and external (legal) regulations and policies.
- Full operational, commercial and budgetary responsibility in the business unit, to ensure operational and quality service level
- To closely manage every aspect of the business, including sales strategy, cost control, added value services, account planning and employee management & development.
- To deal and foster customer relationships, acting as a key role with every stakeholder.
- To maximise resources through developing and maintaining systems, ensuring an optimal balance between service and financial results.
- To ensure an adequate information flow, meeting the headquarter standards.
- To establish effective partnerships according with identified needs, related with both business and support sides.
- To ensure a full involvement in change management, demonstrating excellent leadership and strategic vision, conveying headquarters’ long term vision.


- minimum 5 years in a senior management position, in the sports betting environments.
- Degree in Economics or Business Administration.
- Romanian as mother tongue. Fluent in English.
- High level in key competencies: leadership, influencing others, goal orientation, strategic vision, communication, planning and organization skills.


Furnizam solutii extinse pentru proiecte de Resurse Umane inca din 2005. Adaptam cu succes noile tendinte in domeniul Resurselor Umane si utilizam creativ oportunitatile pe care le ofera mediul economic pentru atingerea target-urilor comerciale si de comunicare ale partenerilor nostri.

Munca noastra include solutii bazate pe analize si experienta, programe de implementare a strategiilor de retentie si motivare personal adaptate fiecarui partener, analize complete ale profilurilor candidatilor, selectia strategiei optime pentru implementarea fiecarui proiect, evaluarea si monitorizarea eficientei solutiilor propuse.

Aceasta se traduce in programe inteligente sustinute prin baze de date complete si complexe, aplicatii web, portaluri de informare si socializare, baterii de teste concepute si implementate impreuna cu fiecare dintre parteneri, campanii de marketing online si head-hunting.

Misiune: sa contribuim la indeplinirea obiectivelor partenerilor nostri prin abordarea celui mai important capital al oricarei companii; cel intelectual!