Fundraiser (Marketing specialist)

Societatea ORnitologica Romana

24-05-2016 | EXPIRA LA 26-05-2016

Job expirat


Overall Purpose
To create relationships with people within companies which deliver donation income, project funding, sponsorship income, amplification of key campaigns and other kinds of financial and in kind support such as pro bono, to sustain conservation work of SOR/BirdLife Romania. To manage key relationships and others like affinity partners or corporate members to maximise income and opportunities for SOR.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities
Generate income from the corporate sector to fund SOR work by proposing and negotiating partnerships
Develop and maintain a portfolio of company prospects in varying degrees of development
Build relationships with a number of key current corporate prospects and individuals within related organisations
Prepare professional proposals (including PowerPoint and others) and deliver presentations at senior level meetings
Respond to corporate enquiries as required
Network at appropriate events to raise the profile of SOR and secure new introductions identify growth areas and opportunities within the corporate sector
Work with SOR’s managers, to identify and manage risks in new partnerships as part of our overall risk management programme
Contribute towards agreed performance measures
Work with SOR’s legal advisors to compile suitable legal agreements
Maintain appropriate systems & adhere to procedures

Ensure that plans within the remit of the role are set and delivered on time and within budget.
Contribute towards departmental and cross functional project plans as required.
Contribute to plans for cross-functional projects, in a way that complements the broader plan.
Ensure all planning makes effective and efficient use of available resources.

Budgeting and Financial Performance
Ensure the proper management, reporting and reforecasting of budgets within the remit of the role.
Participate in budgeting and financial management as required.

Ensure that information is shared in supportive and constructive manner, using the most appropriate means of communication for a productive working relationship.
Ensure that communications reflect and promote SOR brand, culture, values, style and standards.


University degree in marketing, management, business, finance, PR, communications, humanities or related fields with at least 5 years experience, or post-graduate degree with at least 3 years experience in marketing, project management, public relations or related fields, with an emphasis in fundraising, networking, contacts with donors, development and maintenance of strategic partnerships, project/program management, etc.
Excellent networker, with good organizational and interpersonal skills, with ability to function in a multi-cultural environment.
Proactive, with a can-do attitude; self-starter, quick learner
Excellent written and oral communication skills in Romanian and English
Able to work well within the national SOR team, as well as independently
Dedication to SOR’s mission and environmental protection


Societatea Ornitologica Romana (SOR) este o organizatie
neguvernamentala, nonprofit care deruleaza activitati pentru protectia pasarilor si naturii cu sprijinul membrilor (1500), voluntarilor, pe baza de donatii si proiecte.

Are raspandire nationala in Romania prin sucursale si grupuri scolare. Din 1997 este partener al BirdLife International – o retea mondiala ce cuprinde 105 organizatii nationale pentru conservarea pasarilor si a naturii.

Activitatea SOR se desfasoara in cele trei birouri din Cluj- Napoca,
Bucuresti si Tulcea, cu sprijinul sucursalelor (14) si a grupurilor
scolare. Avand acoperire nationala, SOR este solicitata pentru a oferi consultanta la nivel local, regional si national in domeniul protectiei pasarilor. Desfasoara o semnificativa activitate de lobby pe langa guvern si reprezentantii sai din teritoriu pentru respectarea si aplicarea legislatiei nationale de mediu si alinierea cu cea a Uniunii Europene.

Birourile SOR din Cluj-Napoca, Tulcea si Bucuresti, in stransa cooperare cu reteaua AIA de custozi si reteaua de profesori voluntari desfasoara o intensa activitate de constientizare a publicului asupra importantei si valorii capitalului natural (pasari si habitate) pe care il are tara noastra. Activitatea in cadrul institutiilor de invatamant gimnazial si superior cuprinde prelegeri, expuneri de diapozitive si video, iesiri demonstrative in teren. Materiale informative si publicitare (postere, pliante, brosuri) sunt impartite anual membrilor organizatiei si persoanelor interesate. O reusita deosebita o reprezinta publicarea primului ghid in limba romana (traducere si adaptare a textului celebrului ghid Hamlyn) pentru identificarea si recunoasterea speciilor de pasari.

Nu in ultimul rand, parteneriatul cu organizatia mondiala BirdLife
International ofera Societatii Ornitologice Romane posibilitatea de a-si circumscrie activitatea si strategia in contextul european si
international spre acelasi tel comun: conservarea pasarilor si a
resurselor naturale.