Economist - Specialist Taxe

Tornado Sistems

24-10-2007 | EXPIRA LA 23-11-2007

Job expirat


- Asistenta in stabilirea tratamentelor fiscale cu privire la calculul impozitelor si taxelor catre bugetul de stat
- Asistenta in stabilirea tratamentelor fiscale cu privire la calculul taxelelor catre bugetele locale;
- Asistenta in intocmirea declaratiilor impozitele si taxele catre bugetul de stat si bugetele locale
- Urmarirea depunerii la timp a diverselor declaratii catre autoritatile statului
- Se asigura de cunoasterea si aplicarea corecta a legislatiei fiscale
- Propune masuri de optimizare costuri cu taxele si impozitele
- Se asigura in permanenta ca modificarile legislative sunt cunoscute atat de management cat si de Departamentul Financiar Contabil
- Asistenta in sustinerea controalelor efectuate de catre autoritatile fiscale cu informatiile si rapoartele necesare
- Identificarea si semnalarea riscurilor aferente departamentului din care face parte; propunerea masurilor pentru reducerea/ eliminarea acestora


- Studii economice superioare
- Cunostinte temeinice de legislatie fiscala si contabila
- Experienta in domeniul financiar contabil de minim 3 ani
- Cunostinte bune de utilizare a pachetului Microsoft Office
- Atentie la detalii
- Capacitate de analiza si sinteza
- Spirit de echipa


Starting the business in 1991 with a team of 5 enthusiastic people, Tornado now employs over 200 professionals specialized in different fields of marketing, sales, technical support and logistics. Even at its inception, the company structured itself so as to effectively respond to market demands. Two objectives had to be met: setting up a well organized distribution system throughout Romania and Bulgaria with the capability to expand while concentrating on network design and project implementation, providing consultation and training in the computer networking industry. During the past years, Tornado Sistems has been a recurrent name on Romanian top ten lists in the IT & Communication field.
Our experience and the power of focusing on our partner¿s needs decisively contributed to maintaining our leader position as IT&C distributor and networking solution provider.
Improving our competencies in networking and telephony is a key objective while offering a single point-of-contact for multi-vendor solutions.