Analist Laborator - perioada determinata


28-02-2013 | EXPIRA LA 30-03-2013

Job expirat


Ai experienta in industria alimentara?
Te remarci prin calitatea activitatii tale si prin participarea la realizarea unei productii conform standardelor?

Atunci, ne-ai gasit si acesta este primul pas spre o colaborare de succes.

Cum putem deveni colegi?
E simplu!

Vino cu initiativa, pricepere si pasiune fata de industria alimentara, noi adaugam la aceasta reteta o activitate plina de provocari. Ingredientul special e responsabilitatea, si daca crezi ca esti persoana pe care o cautam, aplica acum pentru:

Esti curios sa afli ce vei face?
• Efectua analizele fizico-chimice, microbiologice si organoleptice stabilite prin instructiunile de lucru, microbiologica a probelor din proces, a materiilor prime, produselor finite si a probelor de sanitatie si mediu conform planului de prelevare si control;
• Verifica metrologic conform planului de verificari aparatele de masura si control din laborator;
• Preleva probe de materii prime, materiale si produs finit si completa corect si la timp rapoartele specifice activitatii;


Esti curios sa afli cum arata candidatul ideal?
- Absolvent de liceu sau studii superioare de specialitate;
- Minim 1 an intr-un loc de munca similar sau studii superioare de specialitate;

- Calificari: minim tehnician laborator; inginer chimist/biochimist;
- Cunostinte de fizico-chimie, microbiologie;
- Abilitati de comunicare,
- Spirit de echipa;
- Abilitati PC – MS Office ;
- Engleza - mediu


Danone is a Fortune 500 company and one of the most successful healthy food companies in the world.

Its mission is to bring health through tasty, nutritious and affordable food and beverage products to as many people as possible. Fulfilling this mission is a major contributor to Danone’s continuous fast growth.

With 160 plants and around 80,000 employees, Danone has a presence in all five continents and over 120 countries. In 2008, Danone recorded € 15.2 billion sales. Danone enjoys leading positions on healthy food in four businesses: fresh dairy products (n°1 worldwide), waters (n° 2 on the packaged water market), baby nutrition (n°2 worldwide) and medical nutrition.

Present in Romania since 1997, DANONE Romania is the leader on the fresh dairy products market; has one Fresh Dairy Plant in Bucharest and around 700 employees in all functions, all over the country.

Since its founding, Danone Romania has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to people and to fair employment practices. Danone Romania believes that the diverse work force helps the company realize its full potential.
Danone Romania does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, national origin, disability or age.