Administrator AIX

RINF Outsourcing Solutions SRL

13-03-2009 | EXPIRA LA 27-03-2009

Job expirat


Industrie: Finante-Banci
Locatie: Bucuresti
Nivel cariera: middle
Salariu si beneficii: corespunzatoare nivelului de expertiza
Tipul de job: full-time
Mediul tehnic: stabil

Candidatul ales va fi responsabil de administrarea si asigurarea functionalitatii sistemului companiei.

Activitati curente:
- Virtualizare/Consolidare IBM LPAR, DLPAR
- Instalare si Update AIX 5L/AIX 6, bootarea sistemului, configurare, storage, SAN, LVM, monitorizare, tuning, troubleshooting, backup, recovery
- Administrare utilizatori si grupuri
- Modificare profile utilizatori
- Modificare permisiuni pe directoare si fisiere
- Monitorizare accese, procese
- Monitorizare filesysteme


- Absolvent de studii superioare (profil: informatica, economic etc).

- Cel putin 2 ani in lucrul cu UNIX
- Bune cunostinte de virtualizare/consolidare IBM LPAR, DLPAR

Limbi straine:
- Engleza – nivel avansat

Alte aptitudini:
- Orientare spre rezultate;
- Abilitati de comunicare;
- Lucrul in echipa.


- Pachet salarial complet
- Mediu de lucru stabil


RINF offers candidates and companies customized services, confidentiality and ethical, professional standards in the IT outsourcing industry.
RINF was founded to meet market expectations towards business to business services, HR Outsourcing and Software Development.
Today RINF is reaching the global market maintaining its reputation as a quality service provider committed to high performance.
We aim to launch long-term, successful relationships between the individuals we place and our clients, as the key of mutual success.
Our endeavor consists in making your career one of the excellence bringing you the training, benefits and professional team approach that is vital.