03-10-2010 | EXPIRA LA 09-10-2010

Job expirat


Concatel Vanture Team Romania is in continuous expansion of the activity in Romania, increasing permanently its portfolio of clients. We provide high quality services and for this reason clients are working with us for success guarantee.

Concatel Vanture Team Romania believes that strength is in numbers and is aware of the long road ahead, always walking next to our clients, working for and with them. A road where having a winner team can make the difference.

That is why our team is our most valuable asset. Diversity makes the team big and strong and Concatel Vanture Team Romania is a team of professionals in all the sectors. A unique team, with a unique goal: make a great team.

We motivate the individual abilities in a collaborative environment so as to add value to the developments and projects.

Working as a team is more than work together, it is a different way of thinking and it implies a group commitment with the company, its mission and its values. Only sharing the same goal, it is possible to build a strong company project, able to undertake a commitment with its clients.

You can work in an environment where it is possible to grow personally and professionally in a high life quality working area.

We are looking for 5 Java Developers to join our team in Bucharest.


- University Degree.
- At least 1 year programming experience in JAVA.
- Experience in bank or financial sector will be an advantage.
- Good knowledge of English (spoken and written).

Other requirements are:
- Ambitious, dynamic, enthusiastic and positive attitude.
- Good team player.
- Communication abilities.


- Very interesting salary conditions.
- Bonuses according with achievements.
- Personalized promotional plan (professional and economical).
- Join a multinational company.
- Training and certifications by the company.


Concatel Vanture Team (CVTeam) este un grup de firme cu activitati comerciale concentrate in special in sectorul tehnologic si comunicatii. Grupul s-a format in jurul a doua companii mama: Concatel (companie specializata in dezvoltare tehnologica a managementului corporativ) si Vanture (consultanta IT si concretizare proiecte).

Imbinarea dintre dezvoltarea tehnologica si produsele oferite de Concatel si consultanta specializata si concretizarea acestor proiecte asigurate de Vanture a dus la formarea unei echipe puternice, profesionista si de experti ce poate oferi un raspuns la viitoarele provocari cu care se vor confrunta companiile de pe piata (administratie publica si corporativa) intr-un mod cat mai competitiv.

Grupul CVTeam cuprinde mai multe companii, printre care: Concatel Vanture Romania, Concatel Vanture Argentina, Interfacom, LogicPhone, Portal de Barcelona, Doc6 si eSistec, lucru ce ofera corporatiei experienta si specializare in diferite sectoare ale pietei.

Grupul CVTeam are sedii in Romania si Argentina, aflandu-se in plin proces de dezvoltare internationala.

Crestera economica din ultimii 3 ani a fost de peste 23% iar companiile mama au inregistrat o crestere de peste 40% in perioada 2003-2008.