
ROUTE 66 - Romania

22-10-2012 | EXPIRA LA 21-11-2012

Job expirat


Our existing products are used by millions of end users in more than 100 countries around the world. Within our Purchasing Team you will review and analyze purchase requisitions, investigate and develop sources of supplies, prepare bid specifications, issue bid requests and review quotations. You will also liaise between suppliers, manufacturers and relevant internal departments.


We offer some of the best solutions for mobile device users in the world. For that we need to work with the best manufacturers and have the best suppliers.
We therefore need an extraordinarily gifted buyer with the energy and skills to purchase materials, equipment and supplies of a specialized or complex nature.
The position calls for the use of initiative and independent judgment, knowledge of purchasing practices and procedures as well as skill in preparing and analyzing complex technical specifications and bids.
You are familiar with manufacturing processes of plastics and electronics and have already acquired an experience with tooling. Experience with purchasing from the Far East is a plus. You demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills with a track record of successful business relations.



Ideile tale completeaza solutiile noastre!

In anul 2004, ROUTE 66 a fost prima companie din lume care a realizat o solutie de navigatie onboard pentru telefoane mobile. Din acel moment, ROUTE 66 este o bine cunoscuta companie in industria navigatiei mobile, avand ca parteneri strategici companii cum ar fi Samsung, HTC si Sony Ericsson.

Sediul central este in Elvetia, si avem birouri deschise in Europa de Vest, Europa de Est si China. Din anul 1999, Centrul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare al companiei ROUTE 66 este localizat in Brasov. Aici este locul unde programatorii pasionati din Romania creeaza solutii de navigatie inovative, care sunt folosite zilnic de milioane de utilizatori din intrega lume. Elementele cheie ale succesului nostru sunt pasiunea, calitatea, creativitatea si inovatia.

Pentru Centrul nostru de Cercetare-Dezvoltare de la Brasov, cautam candidati potriviti pentru pozitia metionata anterior.