14-08-2013 | EXPIRA LA 13-09-2013

Job expirat


Manages the activity and the workflow in the Branch within the tasks established together with the Bank Management, considering the compliance with legal regulations and internal policies, norms and procedures. Ensures proper and secure use of the Branch patrimony;
Assumes and is responsible for achieving the sales objectives of all products offered by the Bank, as established in the individual evaluation form;
Permanently follows the customer portfolio development as well as its maintenance according to the Bank’s strategy and objectives;
Ensures the monitoring of clients during the performance of the credit products, including early detection of credit risk. Conducts relationships in a manner that enhances the overall marketing effort of the bank;
Identifies and approach reference groups, creating and promoting a positive attitude towards the Bank and its products. Identifies market segments to be considered as a target for the Branch;
Provides all information, advises and assists all departments of the Regional Center and exceptionally in the Head Office drafting procedures, operations and projects with impact on the activity of the Branch;
Supervises the Branch audit and undertakes the internal controls at the Branch level. Establishes, together with the Regional Center Management and exceptionally with the Head Office, possible local and specific policies of the bank’s approach towards sales activities to be developed by the Branch.


University degree (preferably Economics);
Minimum 3 years experience in sales or/and loan analysis and administration in a bank;
Good communication skills & customer orientation;
Excellent negotiation and presentation skills;
Problem solving attitude;
Planning and team coordination abilities;
Ability to meet targets and deadlines;
Good knowledge of bank procedures and norms;
Computer proficiency: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access.


Volksbank Romania Intr-o lume in care oamenii isi redefinesc valorile si se intorc catre lucrurile care conteaza cu adevarat, catre bucuria autentica, catre placerile simple ale vietii, noi, Volksbank, am ales sa fim sustinatorii acestei realitati. Iata care este, pe scurt, istoria uneia dintre cele mai mari organizatii de servicii financiare din Romania, cu peste 130 de mii de clienti, in peste 140 de sucursale in toata tara. Volksbank Romania este prezentă pe piaţa romanească din luna mai a anului 2000. Principalii acţionari ai Volksbank Romania sunt Osterreichische Volksbanken-AG (instituţia centrală a unuia dintre cele mai importante grupuri bancare din Austria), DZ Bank WGZ Bank şi Banque Federale des Banques Populaires. De-a lungul celor 11 ani de prezenţă pe piaţa din Romania, Volksbank s-a dezvoltat continuu astfel că, in acest moment, alaturi de noi poti face pasul catre o etapa superioara atat la nivel financiar, cat si in plan personal. Avand in centrul preocupărilor sale clienţii, Volksbank şi-a adaptat recent viziunea de business astfel incat să răspundă cat mai bine realităţilor unei pieţe aflate in schimbare. Volksbank Romania a dezvoltat o nouă poziţionare strategică, Intr-un efort de a avansa spre o structură de afaceri mai echilibrată, durabilă, specifică unei bănci universale. Conform noii poziţionări, Volksbank Romania se adresează in mod egal segmentului de retail şi segmentului corporate oferind produse şi servicii bancare esenţiale, care ajută in mod real clienţii. Alaturi de noi vei descoperi bucuriile simple, in fiecare zi!


Volksbank Romania, detinuta de Volksbank International (subsidiara a Osterreichische Volksbanken – Aktiengessellschaft -OVAG)), a devenit operationala pe data de 8 mai 2000. In buna traditie a bancii austriece pe care o reprezinta, Volksbank Romania si-a indreptat inca de la inceput atentia spre nevoile si interesele persoanelor fizice si intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii oferind produse si servicii de calitate.

“Increderea ne uneste” – sloganul grupului – reflecta parteneriatul pe care se bazeaza banca noastra in relatia cu clientii