Voluntari in Africa/India

DRH Lindersvold

18-08-2011 | EXPIRA LA 17-09-2011

Job expirat


DRH South Zealand participă la proiecte de dezvoltare desfăşurate în Zambia, Mozambic şi India.
Programul de pregătire a Instructorilor de Dezvoltare reprezintă, pentru cei care îl urmează, o ocazie de a-şi dedica 24 luni din viaţă unei contribuţii concrete la lupta împotriva sărăciei şi bolilor, în cele mai dezavantajate părţi ale lumii.
DRH South Zealand colaborează cu Humana People to People- organizaţie care desfăşoară aproximativ 200 de proiecte de dezvoltare în Sudul Africii,
India şi China. Aceste proiecte oferă sprijin pentru 5 milioane de oameni.
Oricine poate deveni Instructor de Dezvoltare, atâta timp cât este dispus să urmeze programul de pregătire.
Contribuţia oricui este importantă!


Oricine poate deveni Instructor de Dezvoltare, atâta timp cât este dispus să urmeze programul de pregătire.


Programe de pregatire la care puteti participa:
- Licenta in pedagogie;
- Instructor de dezvoltare.


Lindersvold, also called The Travelling Folk high School South Zealand, is working in cooperation with Humana People to People and the DRH Movement. The aim of the school is to educate people who with their heart, hands and mind actively will take part in bringing from those who have, to those who have not. It is about fighting AIDS, poverty, racism, illiteracy, infant mortality. It is about building schools, bringing comfort and medicine to the sick and giving education, teaching the farmer how to grow more crops and get fresh water for his family.
We invite you to take part in this! No matter whether you are rich, poor young or old, educated or uneducated does not matter, as long as you have the will to make a difference. Our programs are aimed at people all over the world. We want people who are hard working, that will acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills, who are flexible, motivated, show initiative, in order to make a difference.