Support & Fulfillment

Books Unlimited

23-11-2006 | EXPIRA LA 01-12-2006

Job expirat


- Relatia cu editurile/agentiile straine pt probleme curente
- Support post-abonare pt contractele in derulare
- Gestionare situatie reclamatii numere nesosite
- Actualizare diverse fisiere si baze de date
- Rapoarte zilnice si periodice


- Cunostinte avansate de Word, Excel
- Cunostinte de limba engleza (avansat) si franceza (mediu)
- Seriozitate; Corectitudine; Capacitati metodice de lucru
- Persoana constiincioasa si ordonata, cu abilitati organizatorice si de comunicare
- Disponibilitate la program prelungit


- Pachet salarial motivant
- Posibilitatea de a lucra intr-o echipa tanara si dinamica


Books Unlimited was founded in 1993, as an importer and distributor of English scientific and technical books. We began working with a small number of publishers in UK, but today we work directly with over 300 publishing houses and wholesalers all over the world.
We have become more and more active on the Romanian book market, distributing not only books, but journals, electronic media and databases as well. Although our primary interest remains in serving the scientific and academic institutions, we are also able to import books covering a wider number of fields, from Art to Zoology, children\'s books, comprising reference and multi-volume works, undergraduate and post-graduate textbooks, monographs, professional manuals.