
TRW Automotive Safety Systems

02-07-2007 | EXPIRA LA 01-08-2007

Job expirat


For the creation in Timisoara of an engineering and applied facility on automotive system and software testing, in collaboration with TRW Automotive, BeeSpeed Automation Ltd. and Institute e-Austria Timisoara are recruiting:
- half-time (20 hours/week) job on testing of automotive software;
potential related diploma project


- aim: advance after graduation to Ph.D. student or full-time employee
- abilities: to suit the two roles above; willingness to learn by doing is key


Cu mai mult de 63000 de angajati si 209 de locatii in toata lumea, cu vanzari de peste 13 mld USD, TRW se situeaza printre primii 10 furnizori ai industriei de automobile mondiale si are in spate o lunga traditie in dezvoltarea sistemelor de siguranta a automobilelor.
Locatia din Timisoara include peste 1300 de angajati si produce volane si module de airbag.