Consilieri Clienti Retail

Lugera – The People Republic

21-05-2015 | EXPIRA LA 20-06-2015

Job expirat


Pentru clientul nostru, Banca Comerciala Romana, cel mai important grup financiar din Romania, recrutam Consilieri Clienti Retail - Part Time.
Alege domeniul bancar pentru un start de succes in cariera ta!


Promovarea si vinderea produselor/serviciilor bancii;
Consilierea clientilor existenti si potentiali;
Identificarea nevoilor clientilor si a oportunitatilor de a vinde produsele si serviciile bancii;
Realizarea obiectivelor individuale si ale echipei.


Studii superioare absolvite, domeniul economic reprezinta un avantaj;
Orientare catre client si catre indeplinirea obiectivelor;
Proactivitate in abordarea clientilor si in identificarea nevoilor acestora;
Initiativa si spirit de echipa;
Abilitati de comunicare si negociere;
Spontaneitate si mobilitate.


Lugera (LUbos, GErard, RAsto) Pure Dutch roots, with Slovak prefixes and suffixes, Lugera was soon adopted as a key word by almost 1.000.000 speakers. Closely fighting with google for supremacy, the word is widely used in derivates. Check out the latest entries:

Lugerac: The happiest citizen of the friendly Lugera – The People Republic (PS. Check out visa options below); language spoken by the citizens of Lugera – The People Republic, abounding in positive words.

Luggy: gorgeous lion wearing fuchsia flower standing out for the power of fun and creativity;