Joburi pentru oftalmologi in Suedia

MediCarrera SL.

29-10-2013 | EXPIRA LA 30-11-2013

Job expirat


Posturile vacante sunt in spitale publice din sudul si centrul Suediei. Medicul poate lucra atat in ambulator cat si in departamente chirurgicale.


- Se cere titlul de medic specialist oftalmolog.
- Disponibilitate pentru a invata limba suedeza


- contract de munca permanent dupa primele 6 luni;
- programe de training in cadrul orelor de lucru;
- posibilitatea de a combina activitatea clinica cu cercetarea;
- salariu motivant, posibilitati de avansare - in functie de experienta, garzile fiind platite separat;
- asistenţa in gasirea unei locuinte, a unei scoli sau a gradinitei;
- scurta vizita de lucru in regiune pentru cunoasterea conditiilor de munca dupa prima intalnire si interviu la Bucuresti;
- asistenta financiara pentru stabilire si mutare;
- curs intensiv. Intreaga familie beneficiaza de acest curs, iar pentru cei mici asiguram supraveghere;
- remuneratie pe durata cursurilor de limba cu supliment pentru copii, locuinta si zboruri gratuite.


MediCarrera is an authorized partner of the public health care in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. On behalf of public hospitals, primary care centers and dental clinics we select candidates, organize the intensive language program for all family members and the relocation to the new country.

Moving to another country can provide you and your family with outstanding opportunities for personal and professional development. A new career, a new lifestyle and new challenges can also be very stressful if not carefully managed. The mission of MediCarrera is to give you and your family the support you need so that, when you arrive in the new country you are ready for the challenges and opportunities which your new life presents. With the MediCarrera program every family member will speak the language starting with the first day in the new country.

Since 2003 we have been helping doctors, nurses and dentists take their careers to the next level working in the Swedish, Norwegian or Danish or health care system. MediCarrera is the only company offering an intensive language course for the entire family.