Molding process Simulation Engineer

Lugera & Makler SRL

03-03-2014 | EXPIRA LA 02-04-2014

Job suspendat de catre administratorul site-ului


Informations about job position

Place of job: Lozorno, Bratislava region

Starting date:by agreement

Main responsibilities

Performing Process Simulation Analysis (mold filing, packing, thermal exchanges, post molding shrinkage and warpage) to define best injecton systems and parameters to meet projects targets, ensure tool reliability;
Injection system designing - by simulating the molding process (with the Injection and Tooling expert);
Proposing product modifications to implement injection system, improve injection robustness, dimensional and part quality;
Improvement activities (performance, efficiency, quality and reliability), improving and developing new simulation methods;
Reporting (simulation reports, presenting them).


Minimum 1 year experience with injection molding of plastics parts;
Engineer Degree in Technical Field - Injection Molding;
Experience with Moldflow software;
Willingness to travel;
Fluent level of English language (written and spoken);
French and German language is an advntage.


Monthly, yearly bonus;
Young, multinational team;
Use of English and other languages on daily basis;
Training and an opportunity for a professional growth;
Contribution to DDP.


"...Lugera - The People Republic, can I help you?
...enthusiastic and gregarious! ...helpful and present! ...young and
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This is in a nutshell the Lugera - The People Republic team in Romania. Like our
colleagues in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Poland and
Slovakia, we are a bunch of dedicated, happy people ready to face in a
natural, positive and friendly fashion all your challenges... a bunch of
people at the service of people, unconditionally!
You will find with Lugera - The People Republic the most wonderful HR company,
long-term commitment, full-time dedication on the job, as well as the most
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Whenever in need of a genuine & devoted long-term partner and friend, call
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innovative, sharp, non-traditional, supportive and pro- active...! You
will feel we are here for you...!

...Thank you for calling Lugera - The People Republic! ... and paramount important:
Address: 98 Vulturilor Street, Grawe Building, G, 1, 2, 3, 4, district no.
3, Bucharest;
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Phone: +40 (0)21 3187120, +40 (0)21 3187120, 0800 0800 70 ,0800 0800 70 or

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