Techniker/in fĂĽr Rotating Equipment

Schultes & Partner SRL

28-04-2014 | EXPIRA LA 22-05-2014

Job expirat


ArbeitgeberEin technischer Traditionsbetrieb in Wien


AufgabengebietPlanung und Inbetriebnahme von Rotating Equipment (Kolben- und Turboverdichter, Pumpen, Gasturbinen etc.)
Qualitäts- und Kostenkontrolle sowie Berichtswesen
Lieferantenauswahl und –verhandlungen
Ansprechpartner nach Fertigstellung des Projektes gegenĂĽber dem laufenden Betrieb


Since 2003, the team of Schultes & Partners is a reliable partner and business developer with expertise in recruiting, engineering and consulting. The unique range of our portfolio in combination makes us special and allows us to respond in a creative and purposeful way to specific challenges companies are faced with and this with a very broad understanding in these areas to develop and proceed supported all-round.
Customers of Schultes & Partners benefit from the profound experience of over 10 years in recruiting, 25 years in engineering and 15 years in consulting and gain a solution-oriented partner with full commitment and endurance. We support businesses sustainable and fully in their development.
We are known and valued for our commitment to quality, deployment, reliability and strong identification with our clients. Get to know us! We are there for you.