Office Admin - Oradea


17-07-2013 | EXPIRA LA 16-08-2013

Job expirat


- Pregatirea si distribuirea corecta si completa a documentelor specifice colectarii debitelor de teren;
- Arhivarea dosarelor debitorilor;
- Prelucrarea informatiilor in baze de date;
- Structurarea datelor colectate pe baza procedurilor interne ale departamentului


- Atentie la detalii si bune abilitati de organizare;
- Persoana perseverenta, capabila sa livreze in termene stranse;
- Bune abilitati in lucrul cu calculatorul;
- Absolvent de liceu/ student sau absolvent de studii superioare (studiile juridice pot constitui un avantaj);
- Permis de conducere categ B poate constitui un avantaj.


EOS KSI Romania (former KSI Kasolvenzia) is part of EOS Group, headquartered in Germany. The Group offers Credit Management Services through its pan European network and is also present in the USA. EOS Romania has become the leader in Romania in the field of Credit Management Services, working with well known International and Romanian Companies.

In order to support the continuous rapid growth and development of EOS KSI Romania s, we are seeking high quality people to join our team in a challenging and forward thinking working culture.