Inginer Drumuri si Poduri

SC Active Job Consulting SRL

01-07-2013 | EXPIRA LA 31-07-2013

Job expirat


- Analizeaza rapoartele de cadastru, harti, desene, planuri de detaliu si alte date topografice sau geologice pentru elaborarea si executia unor proiecte de constructie a drumurilor si podurilor.
- Planifica si proiecteaza sisteme si structuri de transport utilizând programe de design computerizat si instrumente de desen tehnic.
- Conduce si organizeaza activitatea pe santiere pentru efectuarea lucrarilor de constructii si reparatii a podurilor, drumurilor
- Estimeaza cantitatile si costul materialelor, echipamentului sau fortei de munca pentru a determina fezabilitatea proiectului.
- Aigura respectarea normelor tehnice, a tehnologiilor specifice la standardele de constructie.
- Intocmeste, pe baza unor note si criterii de fundamentare, planul centralizat de aprovizionare cu materiale si scule a sectoarelor din subordine
- Urmareste consumul si aprovizionarea ritmica cu materialele necesare.
- Inspecteaza santierul pentru a verifica progresul/evolutia lucrarilor si respectarea specificatiilor din proiectul de executie si a standardelor de siguranta
- Efectueaza instructaje periodice si/sau zilnice privind normele de protectie a muncii.


- Studii superioare de specialitate
- Cunostinte aprofundate cu privire la legislatia in domeniu
- Utilizare directa si curenta CAD, ARD
- Capacitate organizatorica
- Rigurozitate in realizarea sarcinilor
- Permis de conducere categoría B.


ActiveJobConsulting is an important Human Resources Agency in Romania, offering complete HR solutions. ActiveJobConsulting is offering more than well trained candidates to the hiring companies or job oportunities for the candidates, it offers advantageous and adapted recruiting services, detailed and complete information, specific recruiting methods and techniques, clear work procedures.
ActiveJobConsulting is a Human Resources Agency from Romania with great potential that offers complete personnel solutions. QUALITY is our MOTTO.
Our agency's permanent preoccupation for quality services, already lead to the creation of a competitive edge.

ActiveJobConsulting offers complete personnel solutions, in all fields of activity: specialists in Marketing and Sales, Finances and Accounting, Human Resources, Law, but also in Production, Supplying, Constructions and Media. Our objective is to find the best Human Resources solutions. Development of the human resources became a priority in the ever changing economical climat and success of an organization depends directly on the expertise and knowledge of every employee.
For more informations pls. visit us at