Sofer categoria C - Anglia

Smart Solutions Recruitment Ltd

31-07-2019 | EXPIRA LA 02-08-2019

Job expirat


Smart Solutions angajeaza soferi categoria C, pentru o companie din UK ce activeaza in domeniul colectarii si reciclarii deseurilor menajere.
Locatii: Bridgwater, Taunton, Bristol, Weston super Mare, Evercreech, Toundu, Ellesmere Port.
- conduce vehicul de 7.5 tone, in zona desemnata (arie aprox. 25 mile), in vedea colectarii deseurilor menajere;
- ajuta la incarcare/descarcare daca este nevoie;
- lucreaza in echipa;
- program de lucru: de luni pana vineri de la 06:00 – 15:00


- cunostinte limba engleza - nivel conversational
- permis conducere categoria C (minim 6 luni vechime)
- atestat transport marfa
- card digital tahograf


- 10.13 £ – 12.3 £ /ora (in functie de locatie)
- orele suplimentare se platesc cu 150%
- timp de lucru: 40 ore / saptamana
- posibilitatea de a efectua ore suplimentare


Smart, the people power providers.

Smart provide large scale, bespoke workforce solutions for industries across the UK.

Offering expertise in tailor made master vendor solutions, managed services and recruitment for our clients.

Workforce are meticulously assembled for maximum productivity, proficiency and output.

A unique technology platform assists our clients in effectively managing all staffing related tasks,to streamline time and cost management, adhere to legislation and increase efficiency.

If your solution is people, we’re the power.

Smart solutions,people power.