Professional Sports Trainers - Kuwait

Lugera - The People Republic

14-05-2013 | EXPIRA LA 13-06-2013

Job suspendat de catre administratorul site-ului


Trainers design and direct workout programs that are tailored to the client's needs and goals;

Teach and demonstrate the use of gym equipment, observe the client as he exercises and correct any improper techniques;

Maintain equipment, administer first-aid if necessary and, in some cases, advise the client in improving lifestyle and diet choices.


The candidates should be self-motivated, energetic, organized and responsible.

They should be good communicators and attentive to their clients' needs, being willing and able to adjust workout programs at the last minute.

They should be apt at coordinating schedules and managing time wisely and effectively.

Being able to utilize and implement new technology, equipment and techniques is also an essential aspect of the fitness trainer.

To be a professional self-trainer that have the experience of fitness programs such as aerobics - gymnastics - weight training and indoors sports;

English speaking and preferred writing as well;

Qualified, certified trainers from a known institute;

Committed to work with the long distance.


Attractive salary package;




"...Lugera - The People Republic, can I help you?
...enthusiastic and gregarious! ...helpful and present! ...young and
smart! ...ah, almost forgot: also good-looking!...
This is in a nutshell the Lugera - The People Republic team in Romania. Like our
colleagues in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Poland and
Slovakia, we are a bunch of dedicated, happy people ready to face in a
natural, positive and friendly fashion all your challenges... a bunch of
people at the service of people, unconditionally!
You will find with Lugera - The People Republic the most wonderful HR company,
long-term commitment, full-time dedication on the job, as well as the most
extraordinary parties ever.

Whenever in need of a genuine & devoted long-term partner and friend, call
us! ...You will sense the eagerness in our approach to be flexible, highly
innovative, sharp, non-traditional, supportive and pro- active...! You
will feel we are here for you...!

...Thank you for calling Lugera - The People Republic! ... and paramount important:

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beneficiati de dreptul de acces, interventie asupra datelor, dreptul de a
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Totodata aveti dreptul sa va opuneti prelucrarii datelor si sa solicitati
stergerea acestora.
Prin inregistrarea acestui curriculum vitae sunteti de acord ca Lugera &
Makler sa prelucreze datele cu caracter personal declarate.
Societate autorizata ca si Agent de Munca Temporara seria B nr. 0000010
din 31.10.2005, inregistrata in Registrul National de Evidenta a Agentilor
de Munca Temporara cu nr. 42."