Ospatar/Ospatarita in hotel de 5* Italia!Salariu 1800 euro!

Banca de joburi

20-04-2009 | EXPIRA LA 26-04-2009

Job expirat


Waiters may perform the following tasks:

-take restaurant reservations
set tables with clean linen or place mats, cutlery, crockery and glasses
-welcome and seat customers and hand menus to them
-talk to guests about the menu and drinks and recommend combinations
-in some cases promote local produce and attractions to visitors from interstate and overseas
-take customers orders and pass them to kitchen staff or bar attendants
-serve food and drinks
-handle money or credit cards
-clear tables and return dishes and cutlery to kitchen


- cunostinte de limba Italiana cel putin nivel intermediar
- experienta in domeniu.


Salariu 1800 euro/ luna net.
Programul de lucru : 8-10 ore/zi, 7 zile/sapt.
Cazarea si masa sunt oferite de catre angajator in mod gratuit.


Banca de joburi este o companie de recrutare si plasare forta de munca in strainatate, acreditata de Ministerul Muncii, cu sediul in Brasov - ROMANIA, care ofera candidatilor sai cele mai atragatoare locuri de munca. .