Java & Ajax Specialists (Iasi)


03-09-2010 | EXPIRA LA 09-09-2010

Job expirat


You have a good knowledge of Java, you can fluently communicate in English and you are looking for a new, interesting project that will allow you to get involved and make good proof of your professional value.

You are interested to constantly grow and function as a key-person of a passionate Java team whose main objectives reflect your aim: positively solving all normal issues that a project might bring as a challenge.

Should this be the case, you might find interesting the following job openings that we are presenting as a result of the Pentalog collaboration with a French company. For this business player whose activity in expert-accountancy and IT field is developed for different industries, a dedicated team will be in charge of an important project.

The Java challenge we present you implies developing a SAAS payment management solution for small and medium size European countries. The project is based in Chisinau / Iasi and it requires the following technologies that you should master:

JAVA, Maven, XMI, EMF, CDO, AJAX, DROOLS (rule engine), frame OSJ (developed starting from Eclipse), using MSSQL as Database.

For this project, here is the team structure you will integrate in:
1 Project Manager
2 Java / Ajax Developers
1 Tester
1 Graphic designer


Should you be a passionate, responsible and an enthusiastic team player and should you find one of these profiles to suit your profile & aspirations, do contact us in order to obtain more details.

You can also find below some of the key criteria that we are considering for each of our team members for the specified positions:

As a Project Manager - the person who will play this role in our team has to have a similar experience of a minimum 2 years in coordinating people and Java projects. Optional: knowledge in HR, payment, e-commerce business.

As a Java Developer - this team member will have to master Java and the other above mentioned technologies, having a technical background of at least 3 years.

As a Ajax Developer - in this role we would like to integrate in our team a specialist who has been working for minimum 2 years with Ajax, JavaScript, etc. For this type of profile, we consider the knowledge of Flex & ActionScript to be a strong advantage.

As a Tester – the person who will be in charge of the responsibilities for this position, has to have a level of experience of minimum 2 years in manual and automatized testing, preferably with Java applications.

As a Graphic designer – we are looking to integrate in our team a specialist who has strong points in: Photoshop, Flash, CorelDraw, etc. and who has a minimum 2 years background in Java applications.

In order to apply for one of these positions, you can send your resume at


Grupul Pentalog este un lider in servicii si consultanta IT in Romania si Republica Moldova. Grupul nostru beneficiaza de stabilitate si experienta internationala, precum si de parteneri de incredere, iar domeniile de competenta cuprind informatica de gestiune si cea industriala(R&D).

Pentalog este implicat in numeroase proiecte internationale si locale, iar clientii nostri sunt atat mari grupuri (Leroy Somer, CapGemini, Hitachi, Lexmark, Lowendal, Metro , Syngenta, Parrot, Vodafone, Elite, etc), cat si companii start-up, inovatoare (Coronis, CityVox, Dmailer, Meilleur Mobile, etc). Pentru proiectele pe care le realizam folosim de obicei cele mai noi tehnologii.

Pentalog dispune de agentii in urmatoarele tari: Romania (Bucuresti,
Brasov, Iasi), Republica Moldova (Chisinau), Franta (Orleans, Bordeaux, Paris) si Germania (Frankfurt). 80% din cifra de afaceri a agentiei din Bucuresti este realizata pentru mari clienti locali, pentru care suntem implicati in proiecte de anvergura.

Grupul Pentalog a realizat in 2007 o crestere interna de 67% si o cifra de afaceri de 5,5M?. La inceputul anului 2008, echipa Pentalog numara deja 200 de persoane.

Datorita acestor indicatori pozitivi, preconizam pentru 2008 crearea a numeroase noi posturi in toate agentiile noastre din Romania si Republica Moldova, o crestere de 40% din efectivul actual.
In contextul unei piete a muncii dificile, Pepiniera Pentalog este un program care pe de o parte formeaza tineri programatori iar pe de alta parte organizeaza traininguri pentru angajati.

Pentalog realizeaza in permanenta benchmarkuri in vederea deschiderii de noi agentii. Asadar, va propunem sa va alaturati unei echipe in plina crestere si unei companii care ofera mediul tehnologic, social si financiar necesar construirii unei cariere.