Junior business analyst - German speaking

Intell Psy Human Resources

31-05-2013 | EXPIRA LA 30-06-2013

Job expirat


The analyst will be required to:

Prepare designs for the IT department based on functional requirements
Write test acceptance criteria for the implementation
Test the correct implementation according to the designs
Assist in developing concepts for implementation of high-level requirements

Availability: ASAP


This is a junior role, but you will be educated to masters level (or equivalent) and have post qualification work experience.


Intell Psy Human Resources oferă servicii integrate de HR, în acestea fiind incluse şi serviciile de plasare a forţei de muncă. Intell Psy Human Resoursces îşi asumă rolul de intermediar între angajator şi angajat pentru aceasta punându-vă la dispoziţie o echipă de specialişti în domeniul resurselor umane, ce are ca scop furnizarea şi asigurarea calităţii serviciilor destinate clienţilor.