Receptioner hotel

Uti Grup

07-04-2015 | EXPIRA LA 07-05-2015

Job expirat


1. Asigura activitatea de informatii generale pentru vizitatori;
4. Raspunde de prelucrarea corespondentei sosite pe adresa societatii (plicuri, faxuri, oferte etc.);
5. Inregistrarea documentele in registrul unic de intrari / iesiri al societatii;
6. Pastreaza registrul unic de intrari / iesiri
7. Raspunde de buna desfasurare a activitatilor de primire a vizitatorilor si ii indruma spre departamentele competente sau salile de intalniri si indeplineste activitatile de protocol;
8. Preia toate apelurile telefonice si le directioneaza in functie de cererea interlocutorului;
9. Raspunde de buna circulatie a corespondentei;


Cursuri de calificare in domeniu
Experienta minim 1 an inntr-un post similar
Cunostinte specifice domeniului de activitate (contabilitate primara, legislatie gestiune stocuri
Experienta de lucru in sistemul de gestiune hoteliera cu aplicatia Medalion
Cunoasterea limbii engleza - nivel mediu
Cunostinte PC: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
Disponibilitate pentru program 12/24, 12/48

Perioada contractuala: 15.04 – 01.10.2015


UTI is a holding of powerful and flexible companies, capable of offering a wide and complex range of customized products and services.
UTI has a 21-year long experience on the national and international markets, its competencies in various fields are covered by its 4 business lines: Homeland and Defense Security, Information Technology and Communications, Traffic Management,
Construction and Facility Management and provides turnkey solutions for transportation, energy, oil & gas industry, government, local authorities, financial institutions, corporations and commercial sites. For the next five-year long period UTI has established bold strategic goals, such as listing to an European stock exchange and getting international brand recognition.