Angajam Asistenti medicali in Bucuresti, Constanta, Galati, Craiova, Brasov, Targu Mures, Sibiu, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara si Oradea

CEBIS International

04-02-2016 | EXPIRA LA 05-03-2016

Job expirat


• Se ocupa de pregatirea pacientilor in cadrul implementarii protocoalelor de tratament.
• Prezinta pacientilor kitul necesar tratamentului, pregateste medicatia corespunzatoare;
• Monitorizeaza pacientii pentru a asigura complianta la tratament;
• Comunica cu pacientii inscrisi in programul de tratament si se asigura ca acestia isi iau tratamentul conform cu schema de tratament prescrisa;
• Completeaza si actualizeaza constant fisa pacientului;
• Comunica cu asistenta coordonatoare cat si cu medicii implicati orice problema apare legata de tratamentul fiecarui pacient;
• Monitorizeaza evolutia tratamentului cu ajutorul analizelor.


• Drept de libera practica;
• Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare, orientare spre nevoile pacientului;
• Persoana cu atitudine pozitiva, promptitudine in realizarea sarcinilor, seriozitate si responsabilitate, precum si abilitati de munca in echipa;
• Cunostinte bune de operare PC;
• Carnet categoria B reprezinta un avantaj;
• Disponibilitate deplasari;
• Cunoştinţe de limba engleză reprezinta un avantaj.


• Pachet financiar atractiv
• Training de specialitate
• Numeroase oportunitati de dezvoltare a carierei

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa trimita un CV actualizat la adresa de e-mail:


CEBIS International is a company acting in the Central and Eastern European region. Our services focus on the main areas of interest for the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical industry.

In todays market, the pharmaceutical companies look for diverse and customizable solutions. We are aware about the challenging environment and the market needs. We know that the time spent to recruit a medical or sales representative is equivalent to your sales for those days spent. We know also that each saving during the clinical research of one product is a saving that can lead to discover other new products. We are aware about the fact that the people who run the business should be well prepared to act on the market.

Thats why we prepared ourselves to offer you fast and efficient solutions!

Our vision is to become a regional provider of integrated services for the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical industry. We are working with small companies to help them grow. We are working also with major companies to help them achieve their goals.

Our mission is to offer professional services in a fast and challenging environment. We do not claim that we are the only, but we can claim that we are dedicated, committed and serious and we move fast to obtain results.

If you want to find out more information about us please visit our website at