Sales Manager Assistant for Eurobox!

Lugera & Makler SRL

04-03-2015 | EXPIRA LA 03-04-2015

Job suspendat de catre administratorul site-ului


Eurobox, a company with Austrian capital, is one of the most important logistics solutions provider from Romania. With an experience of over 20 years, Eurobox Logistics has branches in Romania and Bulgaria.

What do we know about you?

You have a great ability of identifying potential clients;
You are a mind-reader: you know what are their needs and expectations;
You find the best approach to build long term relationship with the clients (by phone/e-mail);
You have outstanding ideas for improving the relationship with your clients and for expending the business;
You conceive offers and reports as no one has done before;
You become a little stalker when dealing with your competition;
Your numerical abilities recommend you for managing a monthly budget;
You love taking part in training sessions and various industry related events.


You have experience on a similar job or a great potential for the Sales field;
You speak English fluently; if you, also, speak Germany, you are the best candidate;
Your computer skills are impressive (Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point, data base programs);
You have excellent communication and presentation skills;
You excel at analyzing, organizing and planning.


An excellent working environment;
An attractive financial package;
Great development opportunities.


"...Lugera - The People Republic, can I help you?
...enthusiastic and gregarious! ...helpful and present! ...young and
smart! ...ah, almost forgot: also good-looking!...
This is in a nutshell the Lugera - The People Republic team in Romania. Like our
colleagues in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Poland and
Slovakia, we are a bunch of dedicated, happy people ready to face in a
natural, positive and friendly fashion all your challenges... a bunch of
people at the service of people, unconditionally!
You will find with Lugera - The People Republic the most wonderful HR company,
long-term commitment, full-time dedication on the job, as well as the most
extraordinary parties ever.

Whenever in need of a genuine & devoted long-term partner and friend, call
us! ...You will sense the eagerness in our approach to be flexible, highly
innovative, sharp, non-traditional, supportive and pro- active...! You
will feel we are here for you...!

...Thank you for calling Lugera - The People Republic! ... and paramount important:
Address: 98 Vulturilor Street, Grawe Building, G, 1, 2, 3, 4, district no.
3, Bucharest;
mail to:;
Phone: +40 (0)21 3187120, +40 (0)21 3187120, 0800 0800 70 ,0800 0800 70 or

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