Reprezentant Regional

Pilgrim Education

25-09-2017 | EXPIRA LA 27-09-2017

Job expirat


- consilierea consumatorilor;
- gestionarea bazei de clienţi;
- demonstrarea caracteristicilor distinctive ale produsului

- консультирование потребителей;
- ведение клиентской базы;
- демонстрация отличительных свойств продукта


- cunoașterea limbilor rusă sau ucraineană;
- este de dorit permis categoria B și mașină;
- abilitaţi de comunicare, responsabilitate, optimism, orientare spre realizarea obiectivelor

- знание русского или украинского языков;
- права категории В и наличие автомобиля желательно;
- коммуникабельность, ответственность, оптимизм, ориентация на достижение целей


The British publishing company Pilgrim Education specializes in the development of modern next generation educational reference books. It caters to the markets of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The company has twenty years of publishing experience, the best psycologists, teachers and programmers are involved in the process of new products creation. The main issue is to involve a child in the educational process. We have solved this problem. The influence on a child's emotions is a key to success. It can motivate his or her actions. The emotional component is represented by the multimedia application - live photo. It's aim: it's designed to attract student's attention. Live photo is a unique mobile application that with the help of augmented reality technology can make the static pictures on the cover come alive. How does it work? Go to the landing page on the book with the help of the QR-code, choose the application and download it from the Google Play Market or the App Store. Install the application and get acquainted with the instructions. The character on the cover will become alive! When you direct your camera onto the cover the rational component is represented by the unique cooperation system in the traditional book and multimedia materials. Convenient multimedia content mechanisms are available for kids. It essentially broadens the information presented in the book. It plays an educational as well as a controlling function. How does it work? To install the application you should use the QR-code. Choose the application ''Pilgrim Education". It can be installed from the Google Play Market or from the App Store. After finishing the installation process open the app and direct the camera of your mobile device onto the QR-code on the necessary page and get access to the multimedia materials. Multimedia materials can be introduced as audio, video files, texts, graphic objects or interactive functions. Nowadays, a new direction is developing: there are new game - playing methods. The complex usage of the book and multimedia application leads to more effective acquisition of knowledge. It also increases the interest of kids. All the literature corresponds to state school education programs; has no analogs in other markets; has the target audience of children from forms one to nine; uses the educational and entertaining content. And has its technology patented with the American patent bureau. Marketing is organized through the system of direct sales in state schools with the possibility for one-line payment.