01-12-2006 | EXPIRA LA 07-12-2006

Job expirat




- Directs and co-ordinates in implementation of an integrated quality assurance system which is able to meet required quality standards.
- Is responsible for formulation and execution of quality control measures including investment and expense planning, achieving certification in accordance with established
norms (e.g. ISO, HACCP), and regular audits.
- Prepares internal quality standards and ensures adherence.
- Carries out work productivity analyses.
- Provides top management with regular reports. Offers economically feasible suggestions for areas where improvement may be needed.
- Takes action as necessary to ensure focus on continually improving quality.
- In co-operation with management, ensures that processing and manufacturing specifications for each product are followed in order to ensure that expected quality levels are met.
- Determines personnel requirements and establishes training programs for the company¿s quality assurance staff.
- Ensures the reliability of all quality related data and co-operates with other departments in the preparation of reports pertaining to quality maintenance or improvement.
- Implements and controls company legal and safety procedures in order to prevent accidents.
- Ensures safe working conditions.


Vel Pitar este membra a grupului american de investitii New Century Holdings, unul dintre cei mai importanti investitori straini din Romania cu plasamente de peste 200 milioane de dolari. Grupul NCH are in prezent detineri in: industria electrotehnica, panificatie, industria materialelor de constructii, servicii financiar-bancare, servicii financiare de capital, proprietati imobiliare, fiind actionar majoritar la multe companii din aceste domenii.

Vel Pitar, companie romaneasca aflata intre liderii industriei alimentare, desfasoara activitati la nivel national prin cele 11 puncte de productie fiind prezenta pe segmentele: panificatie, morarit, biscuiti, napolitane, paste fainoase si vanzare cu amanuntul.

Vel Pitar este o organizatie dinamica de peste 5 000 de angajati, care urmareste atragerea de profesionisti orientati spre obtinerea de rezultate. Incurajam initiativa personala, oferind oportunitati deosebite de invatare si crestere, intr-un mediu ce recompenseaza performanta individuala.
Pentru mai multe detalii, va rugam vizitati site-ul companiei www.velpitar.ro