Operator Depozit - Bucuresti

Caroli Prod 2000 SRL

27-04-2012 | EXPIRA LA 27-05-2012

Job expirat


- Incarca si descarca autovehiculele cu marfa
- Aranjeaza marfa in depozit respectand ordinea de aranjare a acesteia si verificand termenele de valabilitate
- Pregateste comenzile de marfa cu ajutorul scanerelor
- Mentine ordinea si curatenia in depozit respectand normele sanitar-veterinare si cele de igiena si siguranta alimentara


Studii minim 10 clase, preferabil liceu finalizat
- Experienta anterioara in manipularea produselor - avantaj
- Persoana responsabila, serioasa, atenta la detalii
- Disponibilitate la efort fizic si program pe tura de noapte
- Rezistenta la temperaturi scazute (depozit cu temperatura controlata)


Through quality, friends for life!
Caroli is one of the leaders in the field of production and distribution of meat-by-products and specialties on the Romanian market. It is a limited liability company, having its headquarters in Bucharest and 100% foreign social capital.
Our customer depends on quality of our products; our commitment to the highest standards in the foundation of our customer trust in Caroli Foods. Through taste, freshness and high quality of our products we gain more customers loyalty and trust leading us to became the preferred and biggest supplier of processed meat in SE Europe.