Adecco Romania

10-08-2007 | EXPIRA LA 09-09-2007

Job expirat


• Procurement of office material for the central office and construction site offices

• Administrative tasks:
- Phone call; answering, taking and forwarding messages
- Fax messages; reception and sending off
- Photocopying
- Organisation of copying, printing and plotting outside the company
- Organisation of different types of deliveries (via post, DHL, bike express) and their dispatch

• Correspondence with subcontractors, institutions and authorities
• Organisation of archived documentation (Progress reports, Subcontractor's contracts and correspondence with subcontractors)
• Organisation of business travels (hotel accommodation, rent-a-car, taxi)
• Translation of official letters, legal documents and relevant business documentation (from English to Romanian language and vice versa)
• Simultaneous translation during official meetings
• Preparation of invitations for tendering and tender documentation in cooperation with Project Manager
• Receiving tender offers and preparing the Price analysis
• Contacting potential subcontractors and organisation of (negotiation) meetings in cooperation with Project manager(s)
• Preparation and sending the rejection letters for unsuccessful tender offers
• Preparation of Subcontractor’s contracts after contract form drawn by Legal consultant in cooperation with Project manager(s)
• organisation of contractual documentation and preparation for signing and filing (photocopying, printing, forwarding copies to Head office in France
• Preparation of Orders in Rumanian and English language after existing Order form and in line with Project manager(s)
• Registration of newly engaged and dismissed employees within the local work force authorities.
• Organisation of IT support for the site through engagement of outside IT company and through contact with IT department in Avignon, France
• Manage the finance relation between HQ and its subcontractors/suppliers:
-receive, control, register and chronological archive the invoices from the subcontractors.
-prepare the copies for the accountancy consultant
-manage the subcontractors’ accounts regarding payment information, guarantees requested, lawful fiscal documents
-create necessary reports using Pluton
• In charge with internal financial reports, with regard to :
-validate the necessary invoices
-alert the Project Manager about existing /potential payment delays of the client, based on Pluton software/ Treasury information
-prepare internal reimbursement reports
• Manage and optimize various financial aspects:
-operational expenses regarding phones, travels, utilities, etc.
- validate various general expenses inside the proposed budget
-collect various invoices regarding necessary operational expenses
• Maintain a close relation with the HR department.


• University degree
• Minimum 5 years relevant experience in a similar position is a must
• Fluency in French both writen and spoken’
• Ability to translate and comunicate in English is a must
• Computer literate: Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook
• Basic knowledge of CAD will be considered an important asset


Adecco este lider mondial in domeniul resurselor umane, avand deschise peste 6.600 de birouri in 70 de tari ale lumii.
Fondat in Elvetia la 20 August 1996 ca urmare a fuziunii companiilor Adia (infiintata in 1957) si ECCO (infiintanta in 1964), Adecco este administrat de o echipa multinationala ce dispune de o remarcabila experienta in domeniu.
Zilnic, peste 700.000 de persoane isi gasesc un loc de munca prin reteaua Adecco, ca urmare a gamei de servicii personalizate oferite celor peste 250.000 de clienti.
Conform clasamentului intocmit de prestigioasa publicatie Forbes, Adecco este in prezent, una dintre cele 500 de mari companii din lume.
Adecco este cotat la bursele NYSE (ADO), Swiss Exchange (ADEN) si EURONEXT Premier Marche.
Adecco in Romania
Misiune: asigurarea succesului profesional intr-o lume in continua schimbare.
Adecco ofera zilnic solutii flexibile si adaptarea legislatiei in vigoare reusind, urmare a cererilor inregistrate, sa ofere candidatilor sai peste 6.000 de noi locuri de munca, in doar 6 ani de la infiintare.
La baza succesului inregistrat se afla transpunerea in practica a valorilor grupului:
- onestitate si integritate;
- responsabilitate sociala;
- orientare spre nevoile clientului;
- inovatie si creativitate;
- comunicare si spirit de echipa;
- transparenta;
- deplina legalitate