Junior Pharmaceutical Sales Reprezentative - Premium Brand


14-03-2020 | EXPIRA LA 14-03-2020

Job expirat


Join an American company selling health and nutrition related Brand products, including vitamins, supplements, minerals, herbs, sports nutrition, diet, and energy products.

Meeting monthly sales tasks and objectives;
Creation, development and maintenance of constructive relationships with pharmacies in the allocated area;
Supporting specific marketing activities, contract negotiations;
Visits to clients in the allocated area;
Respecting the work schedule and touring the plan;
Preparation of activity reports.


Minimum experience in a similar position is an advantage (sale OTC, para pharmaceutical products to pharmacy chains);
Knowledge related to biochemistry, nutritional supplements is an advantage;
Excellent negotiation and communication skills;
Car license B category, availability for trips;
Person oriented towards meeting the objectives.


Motivational salary package (2500 lei fix + 1000-2000 lei bonus);
The necessary logistics offered by the company;
Bonuses depending on achievements.


"Pesimistul vede dificultăți în orice oportunitate. Optimistul găsește oportunități în orice dificultate.” (Winston Churchill)
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