Join the Top Management Team of an International Real Estate Developer as General Manager

Lugera & Makler

15-10-2007 | EXPIRA LA 14-11-2007

Job suspendat de catre administratorul site-ului


For one of our clients, an international Real Estate Developer, we are looking an outstanding General Manager.

The candidate, as General Manager in Romania, will be responsible for the following tasks:

Accordingly to Board Committee guidelines, to implement the Group strategy in Romania and to put in practice the required procedures to achieve goals in time and shape;
Jointly with the Top Management, analyse the different investment opportunities and initiate and conclude negotiations with owners;
Enlarge the current network of contacts in Bucharest: urbanism experts, architects, real estate agents, politicians, lawyers, etc;
Manage, coordinate and supervise the whole real estate project process: obtaining the urbanism parameters of a land (i.e. PUD), supervise the architect project, negotiate contracts with constructors and supervise execution and finally commercialization issues;
Periodically report to the Board Committee the company's activity in Romania;
Coordinate, supervise and motivate the local team in charge of administrative and financial ruling of the company.


Architecture or Engineering Degree
At least 3 years of experience in top-company positions in the Real Estate Market
Background in technical positions in Real Estate or Construction companies, and good experience in urbanism will also be well considered
Experience as General Manager or Technical Manager developing Real Estate projects will be a must
Good knowledge of the residential Real Estate market in Romania, in particular in Bucharest
Good understanding of Romanian legal framework, specifically those issues regarding of Real Estate business
Decision maker, able to make sounded, based on facts decisions and take calculated risks
Goal-oriented strong interpersonal and communication skills and Strong team management skills
Able to control activity, to set priorities and standards for self and others, delegate responsibilities and follow up on results
Good negotiations skills
Fluent oral and written English


...Lugera & Makler, can I help you?

...enthusiastic and gregarious! ...helpful and present! ...young and smart! ...ah, almost forgot: also good-looking!...

This is in a nutshell the Lugera & Makler team in Romania. Like our colleagues in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Poland and Slovakia, we are a bunch of dedicated, happy people ready to face in a natural, positive and friendly fashion all your challenges... a bunch of people at the service of people, unconditionally!

You will find with Lugera & Makler the most wonderful HR company, long-term commitment, full-time dedication on the job, as well as the most extraordinary parties ever.

Whenever in need of a genuine & devoted long-term partner and friend, call us! ...You will sense the eagerness in our approach to be flexible, highly innovative, sharp, non-traditional, supportive and pro- active...! You will feel we are here for you...!

...Thank you for calling Lugera & Makler! ... and paramount important: THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE WITH US!

Address: 26-28 Stirbei Voda street , Union International Business Center II, 1 floor, Bucharest;
Phone: +40 (0)21 3187120, 0800 410 510, 0800 801 001,
Or in Brasov, Ploiesti, Timisoara, Arad, Iasi and Cluj -

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