Internship "MIRA TELECOM Student – Programming the future"

Mira Telecom

20-02-2012 | EXPIRA LA 21-03-2012

Job expirat


MIRA TELECOM in parteneriat cu Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti lanseaza proiectul-pilot "MIRA TELECOM Student – Programming the future": un program de internship platit si un concurs pentru trei burse de excelenta acordate pe o durata de un an.
Programul de internship si bursele de excelenta sunt adresate studentilor in anii II – IV sau masteranzilor in primul an ai Facultatilor de Automatica si Calculatoare sau Electronica, Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei din Bucuresti.

Cele trei burse anuale, in valoare de 2.000 Euro fiecare, vor fi acordate pentru anul universitar 2012 - 2013.


Dosarele vor contine:
 un eseu pe tema "Programming for Nanotechnology"
 un CV academic si profesional
 copie dupa situatia scolara
 copie dupa cartea de identitate
Detalii despre program, criteriile de eligibilitate si continutul dosarelor de candidatura gasiti in “Regulamentul de acordare” publicat pe

Dosarele de solicitare vor fi transmise prin e-mail la adresa, pana marti, 06 martie 2012 ora 23:59.


Cele trei burse anuale, in valoare de 2.000 Euro fiecare, vor fi acordate pentru anul universitar 2012 - 2013.

Castigatorii burselor vor fi selectati dintre participantii la programul de internship, program retribuit individual lunar cu suma de 1.000 lei.


Mira Telecom is a company activating in the advanced technologies domain, based on communication and security, with over 170 employees, with its headquarter in Bucharest and 4 offices in Bacau, Brasov, Cluj Napoca and Craiova. Its main clients are mobile phones operators from Romania and abroad, governmental agencies and institutes, for which we offer turnkey solutions consisting of radio, acquisitions and civil constructions for sites, installation, integration, commissioning and maintenance.
Mira Telecom offers a high performance environment, where value and innovation are recognized and promoted and providing good conditions for personal and professional development.
Mira Telecom provides software solutions for the security market, data protection in governmental agencies and telecommunication