General Secretariat Officer


27-05-2013 | EXPIRA LA 26-06-2013

Job expirat


To manage the correspondence addressed to the management of the bank, received from the state authorities;
To handle the exit correspondence addressed to NBR;
To strictly follow-up the requests addressed within the official correspondence (including all NBR official/unofficial requests);
To report to the management with respect to the official correspondence;
To translate letters/different documents for the management of the bank;


University Degree in Economics/ Foreign Languages;
Minimum 3 years experience;
Preferable minimum 1 year banking experience;

Highly responsible and reliable;
Eager for improvement and perfection;
Ability to resist under changing environment;
Friendly, open-minded;
Perfect organizational skills;
Very good English skills;
Very good communications skills in writing;
Capacity to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines;


Volksbank Romania, detinuta de Volksbank International (subsidiara a Osterreichische Volksbanken – Aktiengessellschaft -OVAG)), a devenit operationala pe data de 8 mai 2000. In buna traditie a bancii austriece pe care o reprezinta, Volksbank Romania si-a indreptat inca de la inceput atentia spre nevoile si interesele persoanelor fizice si intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii oferind produse si servicii de calitate.

“Increderea ne uneste” – sloganul grupului – reflecta parteneriatul pe care se bazeaza banca noastra in relatia cu clientii