Controlor de gestiune - aplicatii financiare


11-08-2008 | EXPIRA LA 10-09-2008

Job expirat


- Administrarea raportarii in aplicatiile financiare si de consolidare ale firmei in functie de calendarul stabilit de manager : rularea de proceduri specifice, controale, raportarea anomaliilor catre manager, urmarirea corectiilor in functie de zona repartizata
- Administrarea declaratiilor de drepturi de autor si a altor documente de control de gestiune
- Testarea din punct de vedere functional al acestor aplicatii
Sunt disponibile 2 posturi pe 2 aplicatii diferite.


- Studii superioare finalizate, de preferat in domeniul financiar
- Cunostinte de lucru cu aplicatii informatice de consolidare sau financiare
- Cunostinte foarte bune de limba engleza. Cunoasterea limbii franceze constituie un avantaj important
- Riguros si organizat
- Capacitate de a gestiona mai multi clienti
- Autonom, cu capacitatea de a investigare a anomaliilor
- Flexibilitate
- Disponibilitate de deplasare in Franta


Ubisoft is one of the leading publishers of game software worldwide.
The industry definition of publisher includes three core activities: development (i.e. the creation of game software), publishing (i.e. the acquisition of rights to games and of external licenses as well as product marketing) and distribution (i.e. the physical delivery of the final product to all types of retailers).
Since it was founded in 1986, Ubisoft has gradually and successfully integrated these three core activities. The company now has development teams of exceptional quality, acknowledged expertise in marketing and global distribution channels, with offices in 22 different countries.
Around 2.000 employees all work toward a common goal: the creation of high-quality games for a growing and increasingly demanding audience of gamers.