CONTABIL debutant - zona Bolintin Deal

Manpower Romania

14-06-2008 | EXPIRA LA 20-06-2008

Job expirat


- mentinerea evidentei contabile
- colectarea si depunerea declaratiilor de taxe locale ale depozitelor
- elaborarea de rapoarte despre situatia financiara
- verificarea documentelor contabile si inregistrarea acestora


CONTABIL companie producatoare motostivuitoare:

- absolvent studii medii / superioare in domeniul economic
- cunostinte de baza de contabilitate
- cunostinte de calculator
- foarte bune abilitati de comunicare
- abilitati de organizare si planificare a propriei munci
- atentie la detaliu
- capacitatea de a lucra sub stres


- pachet salarial atractiv
- mediu de lucru profesionist
- training si coaching pentru debutanti
- posibilitatea dezvoltarii unei cariere intr-o companie lider in domeniul de activitate


Manpower is reinventing the employment services industry by helping employers and individuals adopt new approaches to the evolving world of work. Manpower calls this approach Contemporary Working.

Contemporary working is about what’s now and what’s next in the world of work. Manpower offers insight and advice that enable clients and candidates to make the right choices and make the most of what’s happening now and what is coming next in the changing world of work.

Manpower operates in 73 countries through its 4400 offices worldwide, serving more than 400 000 clients.

BUCHAREST Branch: Bd. Unirii, No. 18, Sector 4, Cod 040107, Bucuresti
Fax: 021/301.85.41, E-mail: