22-03-2007 | EXPIRA LA 28-03-2007

Job expirat


- Direct and coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with the pricing, sales, and distribution of products.
- Manage staff, preparing work schedules and assigning specific duties.
- Review financial statements, sales and activity reports, and other performance data to measure productivity and goal achievement and to determine areas needing cost reduction and program improvement.
- Establish and implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, and procedures, conferring with board members, organization officials, and staff members as necessary.
- Determine staffing requirements, and interview, hire and train new employees, or oversee those personnel processes.
- Monitor businesses and agencies to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide needed services while staying within budgetary limits.
- Oversee activities directly related to making products or providing services.
- Direct and coordinate organization's financial and budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, and increase efficiency.
- Determine goods and services to be sold, and set prices and credit terms, based on forecasts of customer demand.
- Manage the movement of goods into and out of production facilities.


- Administration and Management ¿ Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
- Customer and Personal Service ¿ Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services.
- This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
- English Language ¿ Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
- Personnel and Human Resources ¿ Knowledge of principles and procedures for personnel recruitment, selection, training, compensation and benefits, labor relations and negotiation, and personnel information systems.
- Sales and Marketing ¿ Knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques, and sales control systems.


Pe o piata dominata de companii multinationale, RTC Holding reprezinta unul din putinele grupuri comerciale mari in proprietate romaneasca, un holding cu mai mult de 65 de companii, lider pe zona de birotica-papetarie(Office Express), cargo-curierat(TCE) si retail produse media(Diverta).
Pentru RTC Holding, 2005 a insemnat aniversarea a 15 ani de activitate pe piata romaneascasi o strategie de expansiune puternica pe mai multe segmente de piata printr-o politica de achizitii spectaculoase: Grupul Best, Sistec, Simtech Datacom, ProCa si nu in ultimul rand distribuitorul de carte ProNoi.
15 ani de prezenta pe piata romaneasca au insemnat performante deosebite:
- de sase ori mai multe carti vandute decat numarul lucrarilor aflate in biblioteca din Alexandria;
- DVD-urile cumparate de la noi insumeaza 35 de ani de film, in timp ce CD-urile insumeaza 110 ani de muzica;
- cu hartia de copiator vanduta de Grup se pot umple 140 de trenuri Orient Express;
- numarul caietelor produse de RTC este egal cu numarul locuitorilor globului in anul 1;
- prin firma de cargo-curierat s-a transportat de-a lungul timpului greutatea a 3.250 de navete Discovery;
- cu instrumentele de scris vandute de RTC se poate trasa o linie de 60 de milioane de kilometri(de la Pamant la Marte).
HR Consultanta este compania de resurse umane din cadrul RTC Holding si gestioneaza cei peste 3500 de angajati la nivel national. Proiectele desfasurate de noi cuprind actiuni de recrutare si selectie de personal, evaluare a performantelor, administrare dosare personal si salarizare, training.