3d Programmer (iPhone/PSP/PS3)

Mobility Games

01-01-2010 | EXPIRA LA 07-01-2010

Job expirat


- The programmer will be involved in development of casual and A games.
- The programmer will be involved in problem analysis and solutions design and implementation
- Maintain and enrich proprietary software engines (you will work with a proprietary engine)
- Create tools and additional software applications to help improve production and facilitate the scaling of applications.
- Learn and adapt to new development environments (new APIs, new platforms)
- Work closely to designers and QA engineers


- Experience with game development
- Advanced knowledge of C++ / STL
- Knowledge of 3D graphics
- Basic knowledge of algebra
- Experience in developing applications with advanced GUI

It is considered a plus:
- Experience in developing graphical applications (DirectX / OpenGL).
- Experience in programming and customizing fx/shaders.
- Knowledge of MaxScript / SDK of 3D Studio Max.
- Knowledge of Java, C#, Objetive C.
- Knowledge of embedded scripting systems: LUA, Python.
- Experience with programming for iPhone/Mac OS X.


- O organizatie unde primeaza respectarea angajamentelor
- Un pachet de beneficii atractiv diferentiat in functie de contributia la realizarea obiectivelor organizatiei
- Timp si mijloace pentru instruire si autoinstruire (pregatire si formare profesionala)
- Posibilitatea de a participa activ la dezvoltarea organizatiei in ansamblul ei
- Un colectiv unit si motivat
- Un mediu de lucru civilizat
- Oferim suport in cazul relocarii


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